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Healthy snacks! Have you eaten

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-26

  Original yoghurt

   There are a variety of yoghurts on the market, how to choose to be nutritious and healthy?

   1. Yogurt drink is: It is made by diluting milk 2-3 times and then continuing to process it, so there will be a loss of nutrition.

   2. The original nutrition is better: there are many flavors of yoghurt, and from the nutrient composition table, we can find that the protein content of the original yogurt is higher.

   3. Do not buy room temperature yogurt.

   Yogurt has many benefits:

   Compared with ordinary milk, the protein in yogurt is easier to absorb. The lactic acid produced after fermentation can also inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms and promote gastrointestinal Peristalsis and the secretion of digestive juices increase the absorption rate of various minerals, and are especially suitable for indigestion, the elderly and children.

   People with bad breath. Studies have shown that people with bad breath drink sugar-free yogurt every day for six weeks, and their symptoms will improve. This is mainly because the probiotics in yogurt play a role in the intestine, and vitamin D in yogurt also has the effect of killing bacteria that cause bad breath in the gastrointestinal tract. It is worth noting that the bactericidal effect of sugary yogurt will be greatly reduced.

   People with low immunity. Studies at home and abroad have proved that ingesting yogurt can activate the immune system function of the whole body and can inhibit tumors.

  Original nuts

  It’s not yet time to eat, but when you feel a bit hungry, you can eat some nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, cranberries, Walnut kernels, dried raisins, etc. Anti-aging, supplementing minerals

  Nuts are excellent nutritional “champions”, not only containing high-quality plant protein, but also rich in dietary fiber and antioxidant substances.

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