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It is recommended not to do these 7 things before going to bed at night

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-26

   has some seemingly leisure and health habits, but it is not conducive to physical health. These 7 things, it is best not to do after 9 pm!

  1. Don’t eat vitamin supplements

  take calcium before bed Tablets, multi-vitamins and other health-care nutrition products will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and some organ functions have begun to "rest", which is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients. It is recommended to take it with three meals. In principle, unless the doctor instructs you to take the treatment medication at night, it is best not to take other medicines and health products after 9 pm.

  2. Don’t play with your mobile phone

   Many people will spend their nights lying in bed playing mobile games, watching news, or making phone congee with friends Not only is this not relaxing, but it will cause more fatigue. A new study published in the United States'' "Prevention" magazine shows that as long as people use a smartphone for 20 minutes after 9 pm, they will significantly increase fatigue levels and even affect the concentration of attention during the next day''s work.

  3. Don’t watch thrilling programs

  11pm to 6am is the golden sleep time. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sleep first, then sleep, that is to say, let your heart calm down first, go to sleep early, and then close your eyes to sleep, so as to ensure a good night''s sleep. Before going to bed, you should listen to soothing music and read a book to help you sleep.

  4. Don’t drink a lot of water

  It is best not to drink a lot of water before going to bed, especially for people who are prone to get up at night, otherwise you will get to the toilet in the middle of the night Disturb sleep. If you are thirsty, you can drink a small amount. Many people have the habit of drinking milk at night, in order to avoid getting up at night, you can drink a little in advance, or just drink half a glass of milk.

  5. Don’t think about too much work

  Many people are used to thinking about the daily life before going to bed, and then start thinking about the work plan for the next day Some people will even remind themselves repeatedly that "tomorrow there will be important meetings to be held, and today we must sleep well", but the results are often contrary to our wishes, and ultimately it is difficult to sleep. It’s best not to think about anything when you go to bed. If you want to review today and plan for tomorrow, it’s best to record these things before 9 o’clock, and then go to bed.

  6. Don’t do strenuous exercise

  moderate exercise helps sleep, but try to complete the exercise before 9pm. Do not run, play, or dance for 1 to 2 hours before going to bed Waiting for vigorous exercise, otherwise it will make the brain excited. Although it feels easy to fall asleep, it will affect the quality of sleep.

  Before going to bed, you can do some gentle stretching exercises to calm down the body and mind slowly. You can also rub your stomach, rub your waist, and press points such as Yongquan, Baihui and Neiguan. Come to health care, especially suitable for the elderly.

  7. Don’t eat midnight snack

  Chinese medicine believes that "the stomach is not in harmony, it is difficult to sleep." A comfortable stomach and a smooth stomach can guarantee a good sleep. Therefore, it is best not to eat two hours before going to bed, so as not to cause increased gastric acid secretion, and bring more burden to the stomach.

  If you feel particularly hungry before going to bed, you can eat a little light diet, such as eating a slice of whole wheat bread. In addition, don''t eat too much for dinner, just be full, or not too hot, it should be light, millet porridge is a good choice. For your own health, you must develop a good life law!

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