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Six Ways to Avoid Everyday Life

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  One bogey

   early morning smoking

   Wake up in the morning, the body''s metabolism has not returned to normal levels, the breathing rate is slow, and carbon dioxide is deposited more. If you smoke at this time, the bronchial tube will be stimulated, causing spasm, and blocking the discharge of carbon dioxide, resulting in symptoms such as breathlessness, dizziness, and fatigue.

  Two bogeys

  Drinking milk on an empty stomach

  The protein in milk is digested into amino acids by the stomach and small intestine to be absorbed in the small intestine, while drinking milk on an empty stomach makes the stomach drain It''s very fast, the protein is too late to be absorbed, causing nutritional waste, and the protein will spoil into toxic substances in the large intestine.


  Toilet reading newspapers

  Many people like to read newspapers in the toilets. Reading newspapers in the toilet not only suppresses the consciousness of defecation, but also makes the rectum lose its sensitivity to the stimulation of defecation, easily causing constipation.

  Four bogeys

   indoor bird breeding

   bird droppings contain psittacosis virus, Mycobacterium islets and mites. The germs will fly indoors after the bird droppings are crushed. Long-term inhalation induces symptoms such as congestion and coughing of the respiratory tract mucosa. In severe cases, pneumonia and shock may occur.

  Five bogeys

   too long bath time

   Toxic substances in water such as trichloroethylene and chloroform are evaporated by hot water 80% And 50%. Part of it will be absorbed by the body into the circulatory system, which is very harmful. In addition, bathing in hot water for a long time is not good for the heart.

  Six bogeys

   sleep window confinement

  People inhale 300 ml of oxygen and exhale 250 ml of carbon dioxide every minute after falling asleep. If the doors and windows are tightly closed, the amount of indoor carbon dioxide will triple within three hours, and harmful substances such as bacteria will also multiply. Therefore, stay in the window gap when sleeping.

  Four, three and a half minutes for health

  Do not wake up immediately and lie in bed for half a minute;

   sit up and sit for another half a minute;

   Two legs hang down at the edge of the bed and wait another half minute.

  After these three and a half minutes, without spending a penny, the cerebral ischemia is gone, the heart is not only safe, but also reduces a lot of unnecessary death, unnecessary myocardial infarction, unnecessary brain Stroke.

  V. Three and a half hours of health

   First of all, get up and exercise every morning for half an hour, run and run, not less than one kilometer, or do other sports, but it will vary from person to person, Exercise in moderation.

  Secondly, sleep for half an hour at noon, which is required by the human body clock, sleep for half an hour at noon, work in the afternoon, especially energetic, and the elderly need to supplement sleep, because the elderly sleep early at night, Get up early and take a break at noon.

  Third, walking slowly for half an hour from 6 to 7 in the evening and sleeping soundly at night can reduce the incidence of myocardial infarction and hypertension.

   Six. Drink soup before meals, slim and healthy

  Cantonese people especially like to drink tiger soup. Drink soup before meals, the nerve reflexes to the brain, and the brain has an appetite center, as long as the meal Drinking soup before can reduce the appetite center.

  Thin people want to get fat and drink soup after meals

  Fat people want to get thin and drink soup before meals

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