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Why is eating salt related to high blood pressure?

Female  32 years old 2018-07-02
The medical doctor said that he had a bit of high blood pressure. He asked if cooking was usually salty. Why would salt be related to high blood pressure?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Ina Barton 2018-07-02
    Because the salt can increase the sensitivity of blood vessels to various blood pressure-increasing substances under the action of certain endocrines, cause spasm of small arteries, increase blood pressure, and may also accelerate the process of hardening of renal small arteries. At the same time, salt has the function of absorbing water. If there is too much salt accumulation, the water will increase greatly, and the blood volume will increase accordingly. In addition, the ratio of potassium and sodium in the cells and the balance will be imbalanced, which will damage the function of red blood cells, make the blood flow sticky, and the flow will be slow, which will increase the blood circulation. Work load leads to a further increase in blood pressure.

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