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Do you know these detox foods?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Environmental pollution, computer radiation, bad eating habits, etc. may cause the body to produce a variety of physiological waste. Long-term accumulation of toxins in the body will cause systemic diseases such as memory loss, gray complexion, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Therefore, how to detoxify has become a health topic that many women are concerned about.

   Actually eat vegetables that we often eat Among them, many have detoxification effects. Using vegetable detoxification method is simple and easy, without side effects, why not do it.

  1, kelp

  Efficacy: lower cholesterol, exclude radioactive substances-

  The kelp contains a substance called sulfated polysaccharide, which can remove the adhesion to the blood vessel wall On the cholesterol, keep cholesterol at normal level.

  The algin in kelp has a high water content and can form a gel-like substance in the intestine, which helps to eliminate toxins, prevents the body from absorbing heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, and eliminates radioactive elements in the body. Helps treat arteriosclerosis and prevents constipation and bowel cancer.

  The kelp also contains a lot of iodine, which can stimulate the pituitary gland, reduce the level of estrogen in women, restore the normal function of ovaries, and eliminate the hidden dangers of breast hyperplasia.

  Recommended recipe: stewed duck with kelp-

  Practice: Chop the duck into small pieces, cut the kelp into cubes, boil the duck and kelp in boiling water, remove the float, add Scallion, ginger, cooking wine, pepper, stew the duck over medium heat, add refined salt, and put it in a pan.

  2, Black fungus

  Efficacy: Eliminate blood heat toxicity—

  Fungus grows in a humid and cool environment, Chinese medicine believes that it has qi and blood circulation 1. The effect of cooling blood and moisturizing can eliminate heat and poison in the blood.

  The plant gums in Auricularia auricula have a strong adsorption force, which can remove impurities remaining in the human digestive system and play a role in clearing stomach and intestines.

   Auricularia auricula has a dissolving effect on chaff, wood residue, sand, metal shavings, etc., which are difficult to digest in the body, and also has the function of dissolving gallstones and kidney stones. Black fungus can also reduce blood clots and prevent thrombosis. -

  Recommended Recipe: Black Fungus Tofu Soup

  Practice: Wash black fungus after hair soaking, cut the tofu into slices, add the two to the chicken soup and salt together stew, 10 Ready to eat in minutes.

  3, mung bean

  Efficacy: detoxification

  Chinese medicine believes that mung bean can detoxification, can help the excretion of poisons in the body, and promote the normal metabolism of the body. Mung bean can dispel alcohol poison, wild mushroom poison, arsenic poison, organophosphorus pesticide poison, lead poison, paeonole poison, rat poison and so on.

  Mung beans also contain ingredients that lower blood pressure and blood fat. Eating mung bean sprouts can treat night blindness caused by lack of vitamin A, glossitis and scrotum due to lack of vitamin B2, scrotum, and scurvy caused by lack of vitamin C. The bean skin removed from mung bean sprouts is called mung bean clothing. -

  Recommended recipe: Vinegar green bean sprouts

  Practice: Wash the green bean sprouts, quickly blanch in boiling water, soak in cold water, pick up and drain; Deep fry the coke in the oil pan, remove the pepper, put the green onion soy pot, add green bean sprouts, add salt, sugar, vinegar, MSG and stir fry a few times, thicken with wet starch.

  4. Carrots

  Efficacy: Reduce mercury concentration in the body-

  Carrots are effective detoxifying foods, combined with mercury ions in the body, can effectively reduce blood The concentration of mercury ions in the medium accelerates the discharge of mercury ions in the body.

  Carbon succinate contained in carrots helps prevent vascular sclerosis and lower cholesterol.

  The carotene contained in carrots can remove free radicals that cause aging of the human body. The nutrients such as B vitamins and vitamin C also have emollient and anti-aging effects. Women eating carrots can also reduce the incidence of ovarian cancer. -

  Recommended recipe: beef stew with carrots-

  Practice: Wash and cut the beef, put it in boiling water and scald it to remove blood; remove and peel the carrots , Cut into pieces, put in a pot with beef and boil over high heat, add seasoning and change to medium heat and cook until cooked. -

  5. Garlic

  Efficacy: Reduce lead concentration in the body-

  Gallicin contained in garlic, its sterilization ability can reach 1/10 of penicillin, Can play a role in preventing flu, preventing wound infections, treating infectious diseases and deworming. The allicin contained in garlic can be combined with lead to form a non-toxic compound, which can effectively prevent lead poisoning.

  Garlic has the function of lowering blood fat and preventing coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and can prevent the formation of thrombus. Garlic can also improve the detoxification function of the liver, blocking the synthesis of nitrosamines.

  Recommended recipe: Garlic-flavored chicken broth-

  Practice: Heat the pan to oil, add tomatoes and garlic and stir a few times, add chicken broth, salt and pepper, use small Simmer for 4-5 minutes, immerse the eggs in the soup, and serve immediately after 3-5 minutes.

  Practice: Put the pumpkin pieces in the pot when the water is boiled, cook until eight mature, pick up and drain, pat dry raw powder, put ham slices; chicken puree add leek flower grains, ginger, Salt, monosodium glutamate and raw powder are mixed into stuffing, stuffed with pumpkin and ham slices, steamed for 8 minutes and taken out; lower the oil in the pan, pour the clear soup, transfer salt, monosodium glutamate and sugar, thicken with wet raw powder and pour cooked chicken oil , Just pour it on the steamed stuffed pumpkin.

  Many diseases are caused by the accumulation of too much toxin in the body. To have a healthy body, you must clear the body of toxins. Do you have the following diet detox army? Look at the following Who is the most cattle! Experts pointed out that timely removal of harmful substances, garbage and excess nutrients in the body, keeping the internal organs and the body clean, in order to maintain the body''s vigorous function.

   Common detoxification and detoxification foods are:

  Detoxification four masters-fungus, pig blood, mung bean, honey.

   These are the most effective and cheapest detoxification foods. Auricularia auricula grows in the humid environment of the shade of the back. Chinese medicine believes that it can nourish qi, promote blood circulation, cool blood and moisturize, and can eliminate heat and poison in the blood. In addition, fungus and pig blood have a strong effect of sliding the bowel, and regular consumption can take most of the toxins out of the intestine.

  Mung beans are sweet and cold, and have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis, and quenching thirst. The honey is cold in raw food to clear the heat, and the warmth in cooked food can replenish the gas. The taste is sweet and soft and has the functions of moistening intestines, detoxifying and analgesic. Indian folks regard honey as "the medicine that makes people happy and keeps youth".

  Detoxification gentleman——bitter melon, bitter tea

   Generally speaking, bitter foods are slightly bitter in taste, sweet in aftertaste, have detoxification function, and can clear heat and remove heat. Bitter melon has the effect of cooling down heat, clearing eyes and detoxifying. Scientists analyzed the ingredients contained in bitter gourd and found that there is a protein with obvious anti-cancer physiological activity in bitter gourd. This protein can stimulate the defense function of the immune system in the body, increase the activity of immune cells, and eliminate harmful substances in the body.

  Chinese medicine believes that tea tastes sweet and bitter, slightly cold, and can relieve many toxins. Tea contains a rich active substance tea polyphenols, which has a detoxifying effect. As a natural antioxidant, tea polyphenols can scavenge active oxygen radicals; it can precipitate or reduce heavy metal ions and can be used as an antidote to alkaloid poisoning.

   In addition, tea polyphenols can improve the body''s antioxidant capacity, reduce blood lipids, relieve blood hypercoagulability, enhance cell elasticity, prevent thrombosis, relieve or delay the occurrence of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

   Detox messenger-kelp.

  The kelp contains a substance called sulfated polysaccharide, which can absorb cholesterol in blood vessels and expel them from the body, so that the cholesterol in the blood maintains the normal content.

  The surface of kelp has a layer of slightly sweet white powder. It is a mannitol of great medical value. It has a good diuretic effect and can treat kidney failure, drug poisoning, and puffiness.

  Detox pawns-daily vegetables.

   Among the vegetables that we often eat, there are many detoxification heroes, such as tomato sweet acid slightly cold, which can clear heat and detoxify, regenerate thirst, cool blood and promote blood circulation; winter melon is slightly cold, clear heat and detoxify, diuretic swelling and dissolve Phlegm and thirst quenching effect is obvious; loofah is calm and cold, has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, detoxifying and promoting blood circulation; cucumber and bamboo shoots can clear heat and diuresis; celery can clear heat and water, cool serum liver heat, and has the effect of lowering blood pressure; carrots can be combined with heavy metal mercury Remove it from the body; garlic can reduce the concentration of lead in the body; mushrooms can clean the blood; sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, etc. have the effect of cleaning the intestines.

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