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Is your gut healthy

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  If you have a bad intestine, you will also have a bad mood

  The intestinal tract is the largest detoxification organ of the human body, which bears most of the human body’s detoxification tasks and also bears the responsibility of defending against diseases. Even if the person is at rest, the intestine is still moving. In addition to digesting and absorbing food, it also participates in the regulation of many important organ functions.

   In addition, the intestine can be called the second "brain" of humans. There are 100 billion nerve cells in the intestine, which are mainly responsible for people''s subconscious activities, controlling serotonin, dopamine, and a variety of hormones that make people happy. 95% is synthesized in the intestine. Therefore, a large part of emotions will be affected by the enteric nervous system.

  Bad habits make the intestinal tract grow older

  The intestinal tract also has an age, as long as the intestinal tract is younger, people can easily live longer and healthier. With the increase of physiological age, the intestinal flora will change.

  Bifidobacterium, which is a beneficial flora in the intestine, is taken as an example. In most people, Bifidobacterium gradually decreases during adolescence; in youth, the proportion of Bifidobacterium gradually decreases from 40% to 10& #xFF05; Around, the intestine begins to age; after entering the middle and old age, the number of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria further decreases.

   Therefore, the number of bifidobacteria is often used to judge the age of the intestinal tract, and it also reflects a person''s physical condition. To ensure the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract and make the intestinal tract younger, you can eat foods that provide a beneficial environment for the intestinal tract. For example, soybean contains soy oligosaccharides, which helps the reproduction of beneficial bacteria.

   So, can the intestinal tract have beneficial bacteria to sit back and relax? In fact, if we do not pay attention to maintenance, some unhealthy lifestyles, such as irregular work schedule, irregular diet, smoking and drinking, etc., Will make the intestinal microecological environment unbalanced, which will lead to premature aging of the intestine. In particular, the abuse of antibiotics and other drugs will cause great damage to the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, leading to premature aging of the intestine. Harmful bacteria such as E. coli and spoilage bacteria lack the restriction of beneficial bacteria, and will take the opportunity to multiply. Important organs such as the brain, liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and skin cause major damage, causing various diseases and even life-threatening.

  In addition, the protection of the intestinal tract must prevent "fan drunk" and "fan anger".

   "Drunken" refers to the urge to sleep after eating. This is because just after eating, the whole body blood is supplied to the digestive system, and the cerebral blood flow is reduced, which leads to a decrease in the excitability of brain activity, so I want to sleep. At this time, if you eat and sleep, it will affect intestinal digestion. So some people remembered a famous well-known well-known saying: "After a meal, walk a hundred steps and live to ninety-nine." However, the time and method of walking after a meal are quite particular. Generally, it is best to walk for about 20 minutes after a meal. It is good to digest the intestines when walking while rubbing the abdomen.

   "Fan anger" refers to having bad emotions while eating. If you are angry after eating, you will eat up. Western medicine believes that anger can cause sympathetic nerve excitement, acting on the heart and blood vessels, weakening digestive function and poor appetite. Therefore, no matter what discomfort you encounter when eating, don''t be angry, so as not to affect digestion and hurt the intestine.

  Defecation is a technical task

   When it comes to protecting the intestines, most people think of defecation first. Defecation does indeed reflect and affect the health of the intestines. If you want to have a smooth bowel movement, you should pay more attention to the following points:

  1. If you feel obvious when you have a bowel movement, you should immediately go to the toilet and do not read the newspaper while going to the toilet. Or play with your phone to avoid distracting your energy and affecting bowel movements.

   2. Don’t squat for a long time. If the squat time exceeds 5 minutes and there is still no inconvenience, it should end.

  3. Excessive force of bowel movements is too strong to avoid damage to the anus, and you should slowly increase your strength and take advantage of it. If constipation and defecation are difficult, exerting force will not only be detrimental to defecation, but may also increase the pressure of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. Many patients with heart disease have a sudden attack in the toilet because of improper exertion and the stools are not discharged, and the blood vessels burst first. When the bowel movement is not smooth, proper anal lift is more effective.

   4. When the stool is over, the hips should be lifted first, and then stand upright slowly to prevent dizziness or syncope.

   In addition to teaching you a natural remedy for defecation: the patient sits on a potty with about 2000 ml of hot water and fumigates. The stimulation of hot air can enhance intestinal peristalsis and soften feces, thereby facilitating excretion.

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