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6 good habits to live to 100 years old

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Six good habits to live to a hundred years old

  First, get up early:

   1. Drink a glass of warm water immediately after getting up.

   The human body loses 500 ml of water during a night’s sleep and needs to be replenished immediately after getting up. And warm boiled water can help to raise body temperature. Every time the body temperature rises by 1℃, the basic metabolism of the human body will also increase by 10%.

   2. Drink vegetable juice at least 3 times a week.

  Drinking vegetables or fruit juice at least 3 times a week can reduce the risk of cognitive impairment (dementia) by 75%.

  3. Sunbathing for 15 minutes a day:

  Appropriate amount of solar energy to help the body manufacture vitamin D, and studies have shown that vitamin D has anti-cancer effects.

  Second, work habits:

   Bring a few small pieces of dark chocolate in the official bag. Eating a few pieces of dark chocolate can replenish your energy and help improve your work efficiency; and dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols, which helps fight aging. At the same time, its low glycemic index helps control blood sugar.

  Three, home habits:

  Love cooking. Studies have shown that people who like to cook are not easy to get cognitive impairment, and worrying about three meals a day is a benign stimulation to the brain.

  Four daily habits:

   Try to avoid carbonated drinks and processed foods. Carbonated beverages such as cola and processed foods such as fast food contain a large amount of phosphorus, which can hinder the body''s absorption of calcium and are not good for bone health.

  Five, sports habits:

   1. Proper sweating. The amount of exercise should be appropriate to sweat, to help expel toxins accumulated in the body.

   2. Try to lose weight 5%. One of the common characteristics of people who live healthy to the age of 100 is that they are not fat. As long as their weight is reduced by 5%, the risk of diabetes and hypertension will decrease.

   3. Walk for 30 minutes every day. Some studies have shown that the people with the highest mortality rate are those who hardly walk normally. Walking for 30 minutes a day can promote blood circulation and help health and longevity.

  Six, dinner habits:

   1. Eat onions raw. The sulfide contained in onions can prevent arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. It is better to eat raw. It is recommended to slice it into thin slices and make it into a vegetable salad.

   2. Don’t eat after eight or nine. Fat is most likely to accumulate at 2 o''clock in the middle of the night. If it is fasting at this time, fat will not accumulate easily. According to the general digestion time, it is necessary to skip eating after 8 or 9 in the evening.

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