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How can I make my scalp healthier

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  How can I make my scalp healthier and my hair blacker? Walking on the street, the beautiful woman who brushes her shoulders by her side, looking at that black hair is really envious, how can I have it? No dandruff in your hair, keep your scalp healthy and eat UFA food.

  First, what is it Caused "dandruff"

   1. Individuals are susceptible to infection: congenital factors

   2. Sebum: controlled by hormone levels

   3. Fungus: The cause of scalp health problems. International studies have shown that Malassezia sphaeroides and Malassezia restricta are the main fungi associated with dandruff.

  Second, how to keep the scalp healthy?

  1. The scalp needs "eye cream" level care!

  The skin on the soles of the feet is the most Thick skin. The thickness of the scalp is only 1/50 of the skin on the sole of the foot, which is the second thinnest skin on the whole body, second only to the skin around the eye.

   Therefore, like the skin around the eyes, the scalp needs more careful care than the facial skin.

   2. Oily scalp should be shampooed more often

   Too much shampooing may damage the water-oil balance of the scalp, which may lead to dry scalp.

  The amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands is mainly determined by genetic genes and has nothing to do with shampooing.

  The level of sebum secretion changes with the level of androgen in the body, which is manifested by the increase of age and the decrease of oil production.

  Good rest and eating habits also help reduce greasy conditions.

  3. Itching of the scalp should not be taken lightly

  The shampoo frequency that is too low will cause a large amount of dirt and microorganisms to accumulate on the scalp, which will naturally cause a variety of scalp problems.

  If itching occurs on the scalp at a normal shampoo frequency, it may be caused by a fungal irritant reaction. If it is not clean enough, consider using anti-dandruff shampoo.

  If seasonal itching occurs, it may also be an individual''s susceptibility problem. You should pay attention to ease anxiety and keep your mood relaxed to relieve it.

  4. Don’t scratch your hair with nails

  Nail scratching can cause scalp damage, which can lead to infections, make scalp problems worse, and may cause hair loss due to pulling.

   Third, eat black hair food:

   black sesame, walnut, white sesame, promote hair growth and small white head black.

  Eat a spoonful of fried black and white sesame seeds with walnut kernels.

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