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What is the summary of fattening

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  Weight loss is harmful to health, not only reduces physical strength and immunity, but also is related to irregular menstruation, osteoporosis, anemia, depression and other diseases. The recommended mode of weight gain (fat gain) is to increase muscle and fat at the same time. This depends on increasing the amount of food eaten, especially the increase in high-energy foods such as staple food, fish, egg and milk, and proper exercise.

  1. The dangers of weight loss

  Most people are normal in weight, relying on internal adjustment mechanisms (such as appetite, activity, satiety center, thinness) Hormones, thyroid hormones, insulin, etc., there may be unknown factors) to automatically maintain. If there is a problem with these regulatory mechanisms, or if there are related diseases, the weight will be abnormal, that is, obesity or weight loss.

   And obesity and weight loss itself will bring other health problems, are unhealthy performance. The health hazards of obesity are well known, and the main discussion here is weight loss. Weight loss affects the physique of adults, and is also related to diseases such as low immunity, irregular menstruation or amenorrhea, osteoporosis, anemia, depression and other diseases. Weight loss also affects the physical and mental development of minors. [Download Address of "Key Points for Maintaining Healthy Weight 2009" by the Ministry of Health]

  2. Who needs to gain weight (fat gain)

  Some people feel like It is normal to be thin, or others think he is thin, but it is not thin. From a health point of view (beautiful point of view is another matter, all the discussion below is from a health point of view) does not require weight gain. So, to what extent (minimum healthy weight) do you need to gain weight?

  Minimum healthy weight (kg)=18.5×height(m)×height(m)

  If Your actual weight is lower than this minimum healthy weight, then you should gain weight (fat gain). If you look thinner, but your actual weight is not below this minimum, and your body is basically healthy, then there is no need to gain weight.

   Sometimes, weight loss is caused by other diseases, such as gastritis, peptic ulcer, hyperthyroidism, colitis, tumor (and chemotherapy), depression, diabetes, etc. At this time, the weight loss of the wasting people is very valuable for better treatment of these diseases. In this case, even if your actual weight is only close and does not reach or fall below the above minimum, it is still recommended to increase weight.

  3. How to gain weight

  Weight gain (weight gain) is mainly composed of two factors, namely fat and muscle. They have different health meanings and require different weight gain methods. There are roughly three weight gain modes.

   The most ideal weight gain is muscle gain, but no increase in fat (or very little increase). This mainly relies on strength training (such as dumbbells, sit-ups, pulling equipment, etc.), and supplemented with a high-protein diet (such as fish, lean meat, egg whites, low-fat milk). This kind of weight gain is more difficult, and may require special fitness guidance. This effect cannot be achieved by diet alone. Because this weight gain is of great health significance, it can also be recommended to those who are not thin.

   The most undesirable weight gain is increased fat, but not increased muscle. This kind of weight gain is the least difficult, without the need for exercise, as long as you eat more food, sugar and fat (small snacks). The simplest remedy is to add 2 cups per day to the glucose powder. But this kind of weight gain has little health significance, and sometimes it may even be harmful. For example, drinking glucose powder to gain weight can easily lead to fatty liver.

   The weight gain between the two is increased fat and increased muscle. This situation is the most common, with moderate difficulty in gaining weight and greater health significance. The main method is to increase dietary intake, supplemented by a small amount of exercise.

   Diet, especially to increase the intake of staple foods and high protein foods (fish, egg and milk). Some people do not understand the meaning of "increasing" and always emphasize that they have eaten enough (self-perception or comparison with others). "Increase" means that no matter how much you eat, you must increase the amount, more than now! In order to make full use of the limited stomach capacity, you must also reduce the intake of vegetables, fruits, porridge, noodles, water (these foods The common feature is large size, sufficient weight, but less energy). Increase the number of meals, snacks, drink milk before going to bed (or add meals, supper), foreign fast food .... only one purpose, to increase food (energy) intake.

  Some thin people do not lack the determination to "increase food intake", but the gastrointestinal tract is weak, and problems such as inability to eat, abdominal distension, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea limit the amount of food consumed. There are two solutions. One is to go to the hospital''s gastroenterology department to treat stomach problems. The medicine should be taken (medicines for gastritis, anti-ulcer drugs and enzymes to promote digestion); the other is to find food that is easy to digest and relatively tolerant , Such as egg white (replace egg yolk), skimmed milk (replace ordinary milk), lean meatballs or meat filling (replace ordinary fried meat), japonica rice noodles (replace coarse coarse grains)... If you don’t have problems with bloating, discomfort, and diarrhea after eating, but just have no appetite or unexplained "can''t eat", then you can only do it with your own perseverance. At this time, if you have to use external force to increase the amount of food, I have a "knowledge" to share with you: progesterone often makes appetite open (see pregnant women to know), clinically, advanced cancer cachexia low appetite cannot Progesterone can be given when eating....

  There are two things to keep in mind. One is that the total amount of exercise should not be too much to avoid a lot of energy consumption. The other is strength training. Aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking, jogging, ball games, etc.) should not be too much. Some diseases (such as hyperthyroidism) are not suitable for exercise, please consult your doctor.

  4. How much weight gain?

  It depends on the purpose and mode of your weight gain.

   If you just want to get rid of the "wasting" morbidity, then you can gain more than the above minimum.

  If you want to be more "sturdy" or want to fight the diseases that cause you to lose weight, you can increase the weight to "ideal weight" [ideal weight (kg) = height (cm) -105].

  If you are mainly gaining muscle, not fat, you can almost suggest more weight gain.

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