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What is the most fruit

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  Fruits play an important role in people''s diet. According to the dietary guidelines issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society, adults should consume 200-400 grams of fruit per day (4 two to eight two), which is equivalent to one or two medium-sized apples; daily intake of 100 to 200 grams of fruit in early pregnancy, during pregnancy 200 to 400 grams per day in the later period; 25 to 50 grams per day for infants from 6 to 12 months; 150 to 200 grams per day for toddlers (1 to 3 years old); 100 to 150 grams per day for preschool children (4 to 6 years old); school-age children And teenagers (7-18 years old) 200-400 grams per day.

  The best season

  Many spring ripe fruits, such as strawberries, cherries, apricots, mulberries, and litchi, etc., the ripening period is short and difficult Storage, can only be concentrated on the market, after this village does not have this store. Although some of them can also be grown in greenhouses and listed in off-season seasons, they are extremely expensive and have a poor taste. Therefore, it is most suitable for seasonal consumption. These fruits are rich in nutrients, sweet and sour, and delicious.

In comparison, apples, pears, citrus, bananas, watermelons and other fruits not only have a long maturity period, but also are shelf-stable, easy to transport, and can be supplied to the market for a long time. Apples, bananas, citrus, etc. are the main fruits almost all year round.

  Grape, peach, pineapple, pomegranate, jujube and other fruits are between the above two types of fruits. The maturity period is slightly longer and can supply the market for a period of time, but it will not be very long. At other times, you can only eat off-season cultivation or special storage.

  Recommendation: seize the opportunity and eat the most seasonal fruits, which are both nutritious and delicious.

  The highest sugar

  fruit is delicious, mainly because it contains sugar and organic acids. The sugars in fruits are mainly simple sugars such as fructose, sucrose, glucose, etc., which are easy to digest and absorb, so in the past it was thought that they would quickly raise blood sugar, and diabetics cannot eat fruits. However, in recent years, studies have shown that most fruits have a low glycemic index (GI), and the effect of raising blood sugar is not strong.

  Most fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes, mandarins, pomelo and other fruits have significantly lower GI than buns, rice, potatoes and other foods, which is completely suitable for diabetics (daily 200 grams or so). A small number of fruits, such as pineapple, mango, watermelon, plantain, banana, kiwi, etc., have high GI, and diabetic patients can only eat a small amount (about 100 grams per day). Only certain fruits such as jujube, dried red dates, raisins, etc. have high GI and high sugar content, which is not suitable for diabetics.

  Recommendations: Diabetics can eat fruits, and the one with the lowest GI is the best choice.

  Most nutrients

  In addition to sugars, fruits are also an important source of nutrients such as vitamin C, β-carotene, potassium, dietary fiber and so on. For infants, the elderly, and people with low vegetable intake, fruits are the main source of vitamin C. However, many common fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears, peaches, and watermelons, have low levels of vitamin C (<10 mg/100 g). Under the premise of eating the same amount, the vitamin C content of citrus, grape, mango, pineapple, melon and other fruits should be higher (10~30 mg/100g). Only a few fruits, such as fresh dates, kiwi, strawberries, papaya, litchi, etc., have high vitamin C content (>40 mg/100 g). Among them, fresh jujube has the highest vitamin C content, which is 243 mg/100 g. However, ordinary dried red dates have a low vitamin C content of only 14 mg/100 g. The vitamin C content (sorting) of common fruits is shown in Table 2.

  When choosing fruit, in addition to the level of nutrients, it is also necessary to consider whether it is easy to digest and safe. As long as it does not exceed the recommended consumption (as above), most fruits will basically not cause digestive problems for healthy people with gastrointestinal tract. But in comparison, dates, apricots, and plums are coarse in texture and difficult to digest; lemons and kiwis are sour and irritating; mangoes are prone to children''s lip mucosa or facial allergies. There are a few people who eat more fruits containing fructose, such as watermelon, litchi, etc., will have gastrointestinal reactions.

  Recommendations: Infants, elderly people, pregnant women, etc. should try to choose fruits with high vitamin C content.

  The most antioxidant

  In addition to basic nutrients such as vitamin C, fruits also provide another class of beneficial substances-polyphenols, especially proanthocyanidins. They are originally plant pigments, but they have a strong antioxidant effect when they enter the body. In the process of energy metabolism, cells produce by-products-free radicals. Free radicals have an oxidative effect and can destroy cell membranes, nucleic acids, etc., which is one of the important causes of human aging, genetic mutations, and chronic diseases such as inflammation and arteriosclerosis. Proanthocyanidins, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and other substances have strong antioxidant effects and can destroy free radicals. Therefore, daily intake of these antioxidant substances can delay aging, improve immunity, reduce inflammation, and prevent chronic diseases.

  Which fruits contain the most procyanidins and other polyphenols? A general rule is that the darker the fruit, the more proanthocyanidins. Blueberry, mulberry, cherry, strawberry, grape, pomegranate and other purple or crimson fruits are the outstanding proanthocyanidins. Mango, citrus, cantaloupe, papaya, watermelon, apricot, fresh jujube, persimmon and other red-yellow-colored fruits, although not rich in proanthocyanidins, are rich in carotene, and also have good antioxidant effects. Common fruits β-carotene content (sort) is shown in Table 3.

  Recommendation: choose dark fruits.

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