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Eleven benefits of green leafy vegetables

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

   Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, rape, green amaranth, garland chrysanthemum, celery leaves, water spinach, cabbage, lettuce leaves, oil wheat, watercress, lettuce, leeks, Chinese kale, radish, green onions, etc. are the most nutritious Vegetables are representative of the health benefits of vegetables, and the health benefits are almost irreplaceable. In the daily diet, a certain amount should be guaranteed, such as 100 to 200 grams or more of green leafy vegetables.

   1. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin C

   Usually people think that fruits are the best source of vitamin C. In fact, the content of vitamin C in green leafy vegetables is more than ordinary fruits.

   2. Green leafy vegetables are rich in β-carotene

  β-carotene can not only be converted into vitamin A, but also have an important effect on vision, mucosa, growth and immunity, and It also has an important antioxidant effect, which can eliminate free radicals, delay aging and prevent chronic diseases.

   3. Green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid

  Folic acid not only plays an important role in the development of the nervous system (fetus) and hematopoietic system, but also in the prevention and treatment of "hyperhomocysteinemia" Play an important role, the latter is one of the independent risk factors for atherosclerosis.

   4. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin B2

   Vitamin B2 is one of the most vulnerable vitamins. It plays an important role in the health of skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

  5. Green leafy vegetables contain more vitamin E

  Although green leafy vegetables contain less vitamin E than fats, nuts and other foods in terms of relative content, green leafy vegetables are suitable for large amounts of consumption , Can still get more vitamin E.

   6. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin K

  Vitamin K is not only related to blood coagulation function, but also plays an important role in bone health.

   7. Green leafy vegetables are rich in potassium

   green leafy vegetables are an important source of dietary potassium. Potassium can fight the blood pressure-increasing effect of sodium (salt), and is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

   8. Green leafy vegetables contain more calcium

  Although the relative content of green leafy vegetables is not as good as dairy products and soy products, green leafy vegetables are still an important source of calcium one.

   9. Green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium

  Intake of sufficient magnesium is very important to promote bone health, prevent cardiovascular disease, and prevent kidney stones. Magnesium is deeply hidden in the molecular structure of chlorophyll contained in green leafy vegetables.

  10. Green leafy vegetables are rich in dietary fiber

   dietary fiber can maintain intestinal health, laxative detoxification; prevent obesity, hyperlipidemia and diabetes; maintain the health of intestinal flora.

  11. Green leaf vegetables can fight cancer and prevent diseases

  In addition to the above nutrients, green leaf vegetables are also rich in chlorophyll, carotenoids, polyphenols and other antioxidant substances. The combination of these beneficial ingredients constitutes the theoretical basis for the anti-cancer and disease prevention of green leafy vegetables. Existing research shows that green leaf vegetables can prevent cancer; prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, etc.); prevent osteoporosis; prevent retinal degeneration and cataracts; delay aging; promote intestinal health; promote skin Healthy...

   If you have to talk about the shortcomings of green leafy vegetables, it is intolerant to storage. If the storage time is too long or the storage conditions are improper, the nitrite content increases significantly. But as long as it is properly stored and cooked, the nitrite contained in green leafy vegetables will not cause poisoning or carcinogenesis. In addition, there are concerns about pesticide residues in green leafy vegetables. But this depends on the source and purchase channel of green leafy vegetables, and the specific problems are analyzed in detail. It is always undesirable to waste food because of choking.

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