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Long tires do not grow meat

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

  Pregnant women are the most people who pay attention to diet and nutrition, because they need to complete the most miraculous process of gestating new life in nature. A fertilized egg that is too small to be seen by the naked eye and full of infinite vitality has developed into a mature fetus with all the internal organs and a weight of several kilograms in the mother''s womb. It has experienced an extremely complicated process. In this process, dietary nutrition is the most important support. All substances needed for fetal development, except oxygen, come directly or indirectly from the diet of the pregnant woman.

  However, it is well-learned to promote fetal development through reasonable diet and take into account the health of pregnant women themselves. The great learning is not because of how deep the knowledge or how difficult the measures are, but because people''s daily practices often deviate from reasonable principles. Among the pregnant women we have received, some gained 35 kilograms before the due date, and they almost completely became another person, eating too much.

  Eating too much food, a large amount of body fat is formed, body weight growth during pregnancy is too fast, too much, resulting in obesity after childbirth, which seriously affects the postpartum body shape of women, and more seriously increases the number of pregnant women suffering from gestational diabetes, The risk of hypertension in pregnancy. Many pregnant women do not recognize these hazards, and some also said that "as long as the child is good, my body does not matter." Don’t know, if the mother is not in good health, how can the child be better?

   In fact, the weight gain during pregnancy is too fast and too much, which is not beneficial to the fetus. Because the nutrients needed by the fetus are taken from the mother''s blood, it has almost nothing to do with the mother''s fat. On the contrary, pregnant women''s weight gain too fast, too much will cause the fetus to be too large. Clinically, a newborn with a birth weight of more than 4 kg is called a "giant child", which not only increases the probability of dystocia and premature delivery, but also affects the health of the child as an adult.

   In daily life, pregnant women only value recipes and do not manage weight gain, which is the most common mistake. Maintaining normal weight gain during pregnancy depends on a reasonable diet. The topic of what pregnant women eat well or what supplements to use has been discussed thousands of times, but few have grasped the essence. The essence of diet nutrition is not actually one or some foods, but the overall diet structure.

  Dietary structure refers to a variety of foods such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, milk, beans, oils, etc., so that the types and quantities are basically reasonable to meet the nutritional needs of pregnancy. To get good nutrition, you cannot rely on one or some foods, but must rely on a variety of foods to match with each other-good matching is the key to dietary nutrition.

When we guide the diet of pregnant women, we never emphasize supplements such as sea cucumber, abalone, bird''s nest, honey, and will not rashly recommend some widely publicized health products. What we emphasize is the daily food that humans have depended on for thousands of years to survive-a handful of rice, a plate of vegetables, a fruit, some beans, a glass of milk, a piece of meat, an egg, simple food, through reasonable combination, Supporting life is not simple.

   Today, food safety issues are more prominent, which also poses new challenges for guiding pregnant women’s diet. We hope that pregnant women choose foods with high nutritional value and low safety risks to build a diet structure that meets the nutritional needs of pregnancy, maintain normal weight gain, and protect both their own health and the health of their fetuses.

  While maintaining normal weight gain and maintaining a reasonable diet structure is not only the best principle for ordinary pregnant women, but also an important preventive measure for pregnant women who are or are likely to suffer from diabetes, hypertension, anemia and other diseases . The most important core content of this book is to manage the reasonable weight gain during pregnancy, which is also the origin of the book title.

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