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The real benefits of vinegar

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

  The main component of vinegar is acetic acid, which is also called acetic acid. Acetic acid is an organic compound that belongs to the category of fatty acids and is the source of acetic acid taste.

  Various opinions about the health benefits of vinegar have been circulated, most of which are not based on facts. They are pure speculation and blind quotes. Interestingly, in many cases, the pros and cons of vinegar are speculation. Using one kind of guess to oppose another kind of speculation is a chronic illness in the field of health sciences and a concentrated manifestation of the low scientific literacy of the people and experts.

  Let us first look at the correct (not only theoretically, but also supported by evidence):

   1. Vinegar is used to cook food and can protect certain vitamins To reduce its damage.

  Some vitamins (mainly B and C) are relatively stable under acidic conditions and are not easily destroyed. Vinegar can provide acidic conditions, so when ingested with these "acid-acid" vitamins, it can play a certain protective role.

   2. Vinegar can promote iron absorption in food

   Most organic acids in food can promote iron absorption, and acetic acid is no exception. The iron in plant foods exists in the form of ferric iron. After entering the stomach, under the action of gastric acid, a part of it is reduced to divalent iron ion. Then it is absorbed into the small intestine. Organic acids can strengthen the role of stomach acid (the main component of stomach acid is hydrochloric acid), thereby increasing the absorption rate of iron.

  Similarly, in theory, acetic acid can also increase the absorption rate of calcium. But this point lacks experimental evidence.

  3. Vinegar helps digestion

  acetic acid has strong acidity and can strengthen the acidity of stomach acid, which helps food digestion. Of course, if you have gastric ulcers or gastritis with too much stomach acid, acetic acid is likely to aggravate the symptoms because of irritation.

   4. Vinegar can strengthen the salty taste of table salt

   sour taste can increase the salty taste, sweet taste can mask the salty taste. Vinegar (sour taste) can enhance the freshness of MSG. These experiences can be verified when you try it yourself.

  5. Vinegar can delay the rate of blood sugar rise

  Experimental research on glycemic index (GI) found that adding vinegar (or lemon juice, etc.) to food can increase acidity and reduce it Food''s glycemic index, which delays the rise of blood sugar. The principle may be related to vinegar delaying gastric emptying.

   6. Vinegar can sterilize and help food hygiene

  Vinegar can indeed kill or inhibit certain bacteria. Soaking (pickling) food in vinegar can prevent it from being proof. However, eating a small amount of vinegar every day is far from being able to disinfect. Being jealous is not an effective way to kill bacteria and prevent food poisoning. Similarly, fumigation with vinegar is not an effective way to prevent colds.

   Then, there are some statements that have not been proved to be pure speculation (no evidence support, but do not violate common sense theory) or nonsense (theoretically not established, or have been proven to be wrong):


  1. Vinegar can lower blood pressure-speculation

  Vinegar can soften blood vessels and lower blood pressure is widely spread, but this is only a far-fetched guess. There is no evidence that more jealousy is effective in preventing hypertension or arteriosclerosis.

  Some people say, "If you have hypotension, you should pay attention to eating less vinegar, because eating vinegar will lower blood pressure and cause headaches, dizziness, and general malaise." This is tantamount to nonsense.

   2. Jealousy promotes osteoporosis——nonsense

  If you soak a bone in a jar of vinegar, there may be a little softening effect. But if you eat vinegar in your stomach, it is quite another matter. It has nothing to do with bones. It neither increases the excretion of calcium (urine is the main way of calcium excretion), nor does it affect the metabolism of calcium.

In summary, there is no evidence that jealousy is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

   3. Jealousy can delay and eliminate fatigue-guess

   some people claim that "vinegar is rich in organic acids, can promote sugar metabolism, and make muscle lactic acid and pyruvic acid and other fatigue substances Decompose to relieve fatigue". This is completely inconsistent with the common sense of biochemistry, and it is not enough to believe.

   4. Mediate the acid-base balance of the blood-nonsense

   "Adding some vinegar to the diet can maintain the acid-base balance in the human body". This argument is also not credible. Because the blood has a powerful pH adjustment system, whether you are jealous or not, the pH of the blood is stable.

   Moreover, the most ridiculous thing is that if the above statement is true, vinegar will undoubtedly increase the acidity of the blood. According to the pseudo-theory of acid-base balance, acidity is not good for health.

   5. Vinegar can lose weight for bodybuilding-nonsense

   "Amino acids in vinegar, .... reduce fat and achieve the purpose of bodybuilding for weight loss". If this is true, drinking vinegar will never catch up with soy sauce. Because soy sauce has more amino acids than vinegar, it is more comprehensive.

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