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10 foods that sacrifice nutrition for greed and convenience

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   1. Instant noodles Replace home-made noodles (hand-rolled noodles). Instant noodles contain more fat, especially trans fatty acids (from hydrogenated vegetable oil used in frying), which is not good for health.

   2. Ultra-high temperature sterilized liquid milk Replace pasteurized milk. Ultra-high temperature sterilized milk has a long shelf life and is convenient without refrigeration. However, ultra-high temperature sterilized milk has a great damage to vitamins and other nutrients in milk, and pasteurized milk helps retain more nutrition.

   3. Ham sausage instead of fresh meat Ham sausage is easy to store and eat, and its appearance and taste are also very good, but its nutritional quality is far inferior to that of fresh meat, and it contains various food additives such as nitrite.

   4. Juice instead of fruit Compared with eating fruit, juice does not need to be washed or peeled, which is convenient and delicious. But the nutritional quality of fruit juice is not as good as that of fruit, and may also contain a variety of food additives.

   5. Guozhen instead of juice Guozhen is a solid beverage. It is convenient and delicious after flushing a glass of water. Its appearance and taste are very similar to those of fruit juice. However, the ingredient list of Guozhen shows that its ingredients are mainly white sugar, acidity regulator, calcium phosphate, enhancer, orange flavoring flavor, coloring agent (lemon yellow, floor yellow), vitamin C and other food additives. Does not contain ingredients from natural fruits at all.

  6. Soy milk powder instead of home-made soy milk Making a cup of soy milk with soy milk powder is convenient and delicious, and saves the trouble of cleaning the soy milk machine. However, the label of soy milk powder shows that the content of sucrose is ≥60%, and the soybean is originally free of sucrose. All the sucrose that is more than half of the weight of the product is added! It is not so much that you drink soy milk powder, it is sucrose powder!< /p>

   7. Thick soup treasure instead of broth The ingredients list on the soup soup product label includes flavor enhancers, food flavors, thickeners, acidity regulators, etc. These ingredients are all food additives used to form the fresh flavor of soup soup, and are distinguished by different Taste. Regardless of whether it is seafood or beef-flavored thick soup, it basically contains no seafood or beef ingredients, but only uses various food additives to simulate the taste of seafood or beef and simulate the appearance of thick soup. Its nutritional quality is not high, and it is not the same as chicken soup, bone soup, beef soup, seafood soup, etc. cooked with natural food. Moreover, according to the nutrient list of Gumbo, it contains more sodium.

   8. Commercially available bean paste instead of home-made bean paste Commercially available bean paste has a delicate taste and a sweeter taste. It is better than home-made bean paste (simmered with red beans and then stirred), and is convenient and convenient. However, commercially available bean paste goes through a filtration process to remove dietary fiber contained in beans (so the taste is delicate). And dietary fiber is a nutrient component generally lacking in the diet of urban residents.

   9. Whole wheat bread instead of whole wheat buns Whole wheat flour contains more vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, so it is healthier than refined white flour. Whole wheat bread is very popular, but its name is often not true. Most whole wheat bread is actually made of refined white flour + a little bran. It does not have the nutritional advantages of whole wheat at all, and it is far less than whole wheat buns (colored black, there are many "pits" "Like bran).

   10. French fries and potato chips instead of boiled or fried potatoes In addition to more starch, potatoes also contain more vitamins (especially vitamin C) and minerals (especially potassium) and dietary fiber. They were originally one of the most recommended foods, but (fried) French fries and chips not only destroyed most of the vitamins, but also added a lot of fats and food additives. The result became a typical high-energy, low-nutrient and more synthetic Additives for junk food.

   In fact, there are many cases of loss of nutrition and health due to convenience, speed and deliciousness in real life. It can be said that this is a common phenomenon. No wonder some people say that the more developed the food industry is, the more it deviates from nutrition and health. It must be said that this is a heartbreaking problem.

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