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Ten points for eating a good Spring Festival meal

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   First, we must guard against the three fierce, eat, drink and play fiercely. It is easy for the Spring Festival to be uncontrolled on the dining table, eat and drink, especially drink. Whether it is a family gathering or a friend''s dinner, it is very suitable for drinking, and when the wine arrives at the rise, some health problems will occur. Playing hard, whether it''s Mahjong or poker, plays endlessly day and night, and it is very tiring, even more tiring than working. The "three fierce" are all things that outweigh the benefits and endanger health.

  Second, we must pay attention to health when preparing new year''s products. It is recommended to buy according to four categories, staple foods include food and potatoes, the second category is vegetables and fruits, the third category is high-protein meat, eggs, milk, soy products, the fourth category is fats and oils, One is cooking oil, and the other is a large piece of nuts, such as walnuts, pistachios, almonds, and hazelnuts. A common mistake is that the third and fourth categories buy too much, while the first and second categories buy too little. As a result, the diet during the Spring Festival was severely unbalanced.

   Third, the scientific storage of new year products. Every New Year, the unit sends out new year products, and the family buys new year products. It is impossible to finish the new year, and scientific storage is particularly important. After buying things, many people think that putting them in the refrigerator is all right. However, vegetables and fresh fruits should not be stored for too long. It is best not to store them in the refrigerator for more than 3 days. Otherwise, not only will the vitamins be destroyed, but also harmful substances such as nitrite will be produced. Even the chicken, duck, and fish meats placed in the freezer should not be stored for too long, generally not more than one month, otherwise the taste will become worse, and there will be certain safety risks. Because some bacteria are still alive even at very cold temperatures. In order to avoid storage overtime, don''t prepare too much new year goods, plan to purchase, and do not repeat purchases.

  Fourth, during the Spring Festival, the dishes are very rich. Put the rest of the dishes in the refrigerator to eat next time, although the taste has not changed, but the nutritional ingredients have been damaged, especially vegetable dishes. Some families have too many leftovers, so that the refrigerator can not be put, so they have to put in a cool place such as a balcony. This poses a big hidden danger to health. The temperature of the balcony or outdoor is high and low, not always low temperature, some bacteria are very easy to breed, especially seafood, not only loss of nutrients, but also possible food poisoning. Therefore, the variety of dishes during the Spring Festival can be many, but the quantity should be controlled, and the quantity should not be greedy. Meat and seafood leftovers are best frozen. Vegetable leftovers and staple foods can be refrigerated. It must be emphasized that the leftovers have to be heated again and the nutrient damage is more serious. Therefore, it is wise to eat as much as possible, and try not to leave any food.

Fifth, pay attention to protecting gastrointestinal function and avoid indigestion. A big meal, even eating and drinking, increases gastrointestinal burden, so gastrointestinal discomfort is relatively common. Eating too much at one time, drinking too much alcohol, eating particularly spicy food, greedy for cold drinks or cold drinks, cold beer, etc., can cause stomach upset or even stomach pain. People who are not good at gastrointestinal should pay special attention to diet. Eat hot, rotten, and soft foods, preferably with less scum. Rotten under noodles when eating staple food, or eat rice with more water and eat soft rice; eat minced meat when eating meat instead of large pieces of braised meat; make it thinner or use when eating vegetables Make a soft copy of boiled water; a small amount of meals is also a good way to reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

   Sixth, control drinking and smoking. Drinking will help, but it should be enough. Drinking alcohol is generally good in the northern region, and it is easy to overdose when drinking a happy place. Even if you are not drunk, there is the problem of excessive alcohol damage to the liver. If possible, it is recommended to drink some red wine, especially dry red, which has certain health benefits. At the same time, the alcohol content is not particularly high, and the health risks are relatively less. Drink as little liquor as possible, choose low-grade liquor, try not to drink spirits. The quantity of beer also needs to be controlled. It is recommended to choose beer with lower alcohol content or non-alcoholic beer. Whenever possible, avoid drunkenness or alcoholism. More important than the control of drinking is to control smoking. Tobacco and alcohol are not separated. Alcohol and nicotine are mixed into the human body at the same time, which is particularly harmful.

   Seventh, don’t forget to eat staple food at any time. Every year, animal foods such as chicken, duck and fish meat play a leading role, and staple food is often overlooked. This approach is very bad for a balanced diet and bad for health. During the holiday season, it is very important to eat good staple food. The staple food should ensure a certain amount, 250 grams to 400 grams per day, at least not less than 3 two, and pay attention to the multi-grain, mix with the thickness.

   Eighth, control the consumption of cooking oil. In order to make the dishes more fragrant during the New Year, many families put in a lot of oil, and they often fry or oil them. Cooking oil is a particularly high energy food. If you do not control the intake, it is easy to cause excess energy and obesity. During the Spring Festival, many people gain weight or have some skin problems. The biggest reason is excessive oil. The harm of too much cooking oil is far more than that of too much sugar, and it is directly related to common chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes. Therefore, the consumption of cooking oil should be strictly controlled to avoid frying or frying, and try to avoid excessive oil. Through other methods, such as improving cooking techniques to cook delicious dishes.

  Ninth, control snacks, especially nuts such as peanuts and sunflower seeds. During the Chinese New Year, each family prepares peanuts, melon seeds, pistachios, almonds and other nut snacks. These snacks are high-fat, high-energy foods. You must do your best. The principle is to eat less. Otherwise it is easy to cause excess fat and energy. 10 peanuts, 40 melon seeds, and 10 pistachios are equivalent to 10 grams of oil. Eating nuts must reduce the consumption of cooking oil. If it is not possible to reduce the consumption of cooking oil, it is recommended not to eat nuts.

   Tenth, increase the amount of exercise. Affected by traditional culture, it is almost impossible not to consume too much energy and nutrition during the festival. In order to avoid excess energy and obesity, it is necessary to increase the amount of exercise. A basic principle is that every big meal requires an additional 1 to 2 hours of exercise.

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