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Five Elements and Food Culture and Others

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

  The theory of TCM diet therapy is about the "five colors" of food, that is, different colors of food have different therapeutic effects, such as black kidney, red heart, yellow spleen and so on. At the end of the year, I sorted out the various data stored in the computer, and unintentionally turned out some of the "reading books". The following content is taken from Qiu Hongzhong''s "Medical and Human Culture" (Guangdong Higher Education Press In the first edition of November 2004), I must declare that I don’t understand Chinese medicine, so I just read other people’s opinions.

   In the Western Han Dynasty, Chinese people were accustomed to recognizing things and sorting out their experiences according to the classification of "five", and it has become a common mode of thinking, such as in "Lu''s Spring and Autumn", "Huainanzi" , "The Yellow Emperor''s Internal Classic" already has five prescriptions, five sounds, five flavors, five colors, five natures, five numbers, five grains, five possessions, five evils, five movements, five veins, five senses, five forbidden, five essences, five fruits, five states Wait for dozens of categories limited to five. Obviously, all kinds of things in the objective world do not necessarily take the "five" as a fixed number. These "fives" are just people''s selective inclusion of objects when they recognize things. The establishment of the "five" does not come from experimental or clinical experience. In the "Inner Canon", the "Five" was established as a scale to describe the physiological and pathological phenomena of the human body and to explore the pharmacology and diagnostic and therapeutic methods, which is actually based on considerations consistent with folk customs.

   "Internal Classic": liver wood, heart fire, spleen soil, lung gold, kidney water. (Five Tibetans into Five Elements)

  In the Internal Classic, in order to solve the shortcomings of the five points in the four seasons, "Changxia" was added between summer and autumn.

   "Zhou Li Food Doctor": Spring is sour, bitter in summer, bitter in autumn, and salty in winter. (Five flavors enter the five elements through the four seasons)

  Assuming that "spring is sour, summer is bitter, autumn is more bitter, and winter is more salty" is the true proposition, and the "sweet" taste in "tune to slip Gan" With "Changxia" (A)

  , we can get (B): "Liver in Tibet, acid in taste; heart in Tibet, bitter in taste; spleen in Tibet, Sweet in taste; lung in Tibet, spicy in taste; kidney in Tibet, salty in taste" ("Su Wen. Yin and Yang should be like a big article")

   can be derived from B (C): "Acid first enters the liver, bitterness first enters the heart, sweetness first enters the spleen, xin first enters the lung, salt first enters the kidney" ("Su Wen. Zhi Zhen Yao Da Dao Pian")

  According to the premise "Wood gains gold and flies, fire gets water and extinguishes, soil gets wood and reaches, wood gets fire and lacks, water gets "Earth and earth" ("Su Wen. Bao Ming Quan Xing Pian") can be drawn (D): Xin Jinwei, so wins the wood acid; salt water flavor, wins the fire bitter; sour wood flavor, wins the soil wet; The bitter fire taste is better than Jinxin; the sweet soil taste is better than water leisure; ("Su Wen. Yin and Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun Pian")

   From D you can get the diet and pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine "Five Prohibitions": "Prohibition of Liver Diseases, Prohibition of Symptoms, Heart Diseases, Saltyness, Spleen Diseases, Acids, Kidney Diseases, and Lung Diseases;"

  In addition, the book also specifically discusses the traditional Chinese And "Shamen doctor" phenomenon, the so-called Taoist doctor refers to the traditional Chinese medicine who has studied and believed in Taoism for life, such as Ge Hong, Tao Hongjing, Sun Simiao, Zhang Jingyue, Xu Dachun, etc.; Huiyi, Jianzhen, Yu Jiayan, etc., their common feature is to always cultivate themselves into immortals and become Buddhas as the goal of all their lives. Medical wellness and its research are just a by-product of the process of achieving its religious beliefs, goals, and values.

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