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Don’t eat too much meat at once

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   Yesterday, when I heard from friends that he had a hot pot experience, the two of them ate 9 plates of lamb (wagyu beef), and each person ate about 3 kg of beef and mutton on average. I couldn''t help being secretly alarmed. I have seen food eaten randomly, but I have never seen food eaten like this. Although he doesn’t eat meat like this often or for a long time, eating too much meat at once can also have a lot of harm:

  1. Digestion rate

   meat It is rich in protein. When the intake is large, it is limited by the digestive capacity of the small intestine. The absorption rate of protein in the small intestine decreases, and some proteins that have not been digested and absorbed enter the large intestine. In the large intestine, proteins are used by spoilage bacteria in the large intestine (similar to fermentation), and spoilage bacteria multiply in large quantities and produce some protein decomposition products such as amines and hydrogen sulfide. The most common manifestation is that the feces (or farts) have a foul odor. In severe cases, abdominal discomfort or colic can occur. The carcinogens that may be generated are particularly worrying.

   2. Significant increase in metabolic waste

   protein cannot be stored in the human body. When too much protein is ingested and exceeds the body''s needs (synthesis of body tissues or certain active substances, such as antibodies, plasma proteins, etc.), excess protein will be broken down and metabolized into energy, carbon dioxide, water and urea, creatinine and other nitrogen-containing Waste-In fact, most of the body''s metabolic waste comes from protein breakdown (except for carbon dioxide and water). The balance between protein intake and catabolism (called "protein balance" or "nitrogen balance") is established almost daily (24 hours). In other words, the protein you eat today is almost impossible to retain until tomorrow (after 24 hours), and the excess will soon be catabolized into energy and waste.

  Urea, creatinine and other nitrogenous wastes need to be excreted by urine through the kidneys. A large amount of nitrogen-containing wastes not only increase the urine odor, but also increase the excretion burden of the kidneys. For healthy kidneys, excessive waste pressure will not cause serious consequences immediately, but it will continue to cause concern in the long run. If it is a person with poor kidney function, ingesting a large amount of protein at one time will immediately cause serious consequences, such as kidney failure, oliguria, and edema.

  3. Increase weight and make people fat

  The protein in meat is digested and absorbed into the blood in the form of amino acids, although the excess protein ( Amino acids) are not directly converted into body fat, but they can be metabolized and provide energy for the body through oxidative pathways such as gluconeogenesis. This energy will be preferentially used by the body, and thus reduce the body''s fat oxidation energy supply (inhibit fat oxidation decomposition), thereby indirectly promoting fat storage-make people fat.

  Not only that, meat (even lean meat) also contains more fat. 3 pounds of beef and mutton (for the pursuit of tenderness, beef and mutton for hot pots are generally fat) about 3 to 4 fats, most of them will be absorbed and directly become body fat.

   In short, eating too much meat at one time not only greatly wastes protein (decomposes into metabolic waste), but also harms the health of the body, increases gastrointestinal, kidney and liver burdens, and is not conducive to maintaining weight. Long-term or often, it will increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases as well as colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. It is one of the worst eating habits. Therefore, as pointed out by the Chinese Dietetic Association''s "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007", meat should be consumed in a decentralized manner rather than concentrated. Meat should be eaten every day, not too much. Ordinary adults should take 2 to 3 taels (100 to 150 grams, including poultry, livestock, fish, shrimp, etc.).

In addition to livestock meat, eggs, soy products and other high-protein foods are not suitable for concentrated consumption. Such a frivolous act as "Dai Kuai Yi Yi", "Zhou Shi You Mu, and Zou Gu Drink", let it stay in the spiritual world, and get it in reality, it is to eat the dead!

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