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Why eat less offal

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  Internal organs (such as pig liver, pig kidney, etc.) are rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B group, vitamin A, trace elements, etc., and the price is generally cheaper (at least cheaper than meat), with high nutrition Cost-effective, so it was once widely recommended by nutrition workers. However, with the passage of time, more and more nutrition workers (including myself) are against recommending the consumption of offal. This is mainly not because Westerners eat less of the internal organs of livestock, or because the internal organs contain more saturated fat, cholesterol, and some substances that are generally called "toxins", or even because foods such as meat, egg, and milk are very rich. Under the conditions, do not eat any internal organs food or worry about the lack of a certain nutrient. The core reason against recommending the use of internal organs is safety-illegal additives in feed (the most famous, the most important and the most common is Clenbuterol), chemicals such as antibiotics and hormones will all appear concentrated in internal organs (of course in meat There will be, but generally less than the internal organs). From this, it is not difficult to understand why during the Olympic Games, Beijing will introduce regulations prohibiting the consumption of pork liver in unit canteens.

  Most of the following claims about Clenbuterol were quoted from the report of Nanfang Daily on April 7:

  1.2, March, " "Clenbuterol" once again made the city stormy. Clenbuterol has become the focus of social attention again after nearly 70 people in Guangzhou were poisoned by Clenbuterol and a large number of "problem pigs" were detected. The last time Clenbuterol was full of ups and downs was September 2006, with more than 300 people in Shanghai (in 9 districts) who were poisoned by Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol was first introduced to our country in the mid-1990s. In the spring of 1998, Hong Kong was the first to eat viscera, resulting in Clenbuterol poisoning. Since then, from south to north, most parts of the country have caused viscera to cause Clenbuterol poisoning. Report. In the past ten years, according to the statistics reported by this blogger based on the news report (which is definitely not comprehensive), the incident of Clenbuterol poisoning has caused 4,000 to 5,000 people to be poisoned. After more than ten years, the hidden danger has not been eradicated.

   2. Don’t think that if there is no poisoning, you will not be harmed by Clenbuterol. A pig dealer told reporters that the vast majority of pig dealers have sold Clenbuterol pigs, but some people were found out. On the other hand, as long as it is not "excessive", Clenbuterol will not cause obvious symptoms of poisoning, or consumers will be unaware of the harm caused by the milder symptoms of poisoning. The case of poisoning is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are more victims. Maybe you and I have eaten giblets or meat with clenbuterol.

   3. Although Clenbuterol is a medicine banned by the state for use in breeding, information on sale is still available online. Although some are marked "not for use in the breeding industry", it is tantamount to fooling a three-year-old child. In contact with these sellers, the reporters made clear that they were used to raise pigs, and no one raised objections. The huge market demand, absolute profitability, relatively simple production process, and the fact that chemical plants do not require production licenses for pharmaceuticals all make the production of Clenbuterol a hot business.

   4. Although Clenbuterol can be tested in the relevant management departments, it is not a routine inspection project. The “safe meat” (hog quarantine or centralized slaughter, etc.) carried out in various cities does not include lean meat. Fine detection. With the current financial arrangements and staffing, a sampling rate of 2% to 3% is not easy, let alone talking about 100%. Sporty testing (sampling) will only lead to increased regulatory costs and temporary convergence of pig farmers. After the limelight, Clenbuterol will return.

   5. Clenbuterol (the chemical name is clenbuterol hydrochloride) can be detected, but there are many substitutes for Clenbuterol on the market (also known as "Clenbuterol II", such as Ractopamine, salbutamol, dopamine hydrochloride), and have not yet been included in the statutory testing range, and some have not yet developed testing equipment suitable for promotion. With the strengthening of investigation and crackdown on clenbuterol, these substitutes are increasingly used by some illegal enterprises and individuals. A reporter''s investigation showed that people who sell Clenbuterol online strongly recommend the use of second-generation products such as "absolutely undetectable" ractopamine. They both belong to β-adrenoreceptor agonists, and the residues of these substances in animals will cause different degrees of damage once they enter the human body.

  The above is only from Clenbuterol to explain that it is unsafe to eat animal offal. Due to space limitations, other things such as antibiotics and hormones are ignored for the time being. Although Clenbuterol and the like also exist in meat, we cannot always suggest that everyone give up eating animal meat, so we can only recommend giving up the internal organs of animals that contain Clenbuterol the most and have the greatest safety risks. Of course, the internal organs of animals are actually innocent.

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