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Zhengyuezheng, early spring, protecting the liver and spleen, just then

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-21

  The first month of the first month, the thirteenth day of the first month, and the fifteenth lantern of the first month, sell the lantern to buy the lantern, and wrap the dumplings to welcome the early spring. The Lantern Festival is happening in the first month.

  The first month of early spring and January, the temperature changes from cold to warm, and the ice and snow melts. Because the process of defrosting and melting snow still needs to absorb the heat in the air, it is still cold. The cold spring is still a portrayal of the early spring climate. In the process of changing from winter to spring, the human body consumes a lot of nutrients, and the storage amount is the lowest point of the year. But as the temperature rises, the body''s metabolism and functional activities gradually become active, and the demand for nutrients increases accordingly. Improper adjustment at this time will result in insufficient growth of the body''s righteousness, or cause various false syndromes, or suffer from diseases. Therefore, it is very important to eat reasonably according to the characteristics of the climate and physical conditions in early spring. To this end, increase nutrients and enhance the human body, in the early spring season to "increasing Gan to support the temper." According to the five-element theory of traditional medicine, it is better to supplement the liver in spring and prepare the spleen in preparation for summer. Liver color is suitable for eating sweet, sweet into the spleen to support the spleen. Let''s analyze the Lantern Festival.

  The main raw material of the Lantern Festival skin is glutinous rice flour and yellow rice noodles. Its characteristics are as early as "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Warm the spleen and stomach, stop the cold and diarrhea, reduce the stool, collect sweats, and acne." ". "Ben Jing Feng Yuan": glutinous rice, nourishing qi and nourishing spleen and lungs. However, the flour is used as a dilute chyme, and the astringent is not sticky, and it is good for urination. It can be seen that glutinous rice is a kind of soft food, sweet and warm, nourishing qi, nourishing spleen and warming stomach, and has extremely high nutritional value. According to analysis, l OO grams of glutinous rice can produce l505 kilojoules of heat, equivalent to l50 grams The calories of the above standard steamed buns provide energy when the temperature is still cold in early spring. The glutinous rice is sweet and enters the spleen and nourishes the spleen. (Hint: those who have excessive sputum, fever, and children with weak spleen and stomach should be cautious.

  Yuanxiao stuffing can be more diverse, from the taste of sweet and salty, mainly sweet, the traditional processing technology sweetness is mainly represented by sugar stuffing, it is also full of rich, appetizing Helps digest the sweet and sour haw-filled Lantern Festival, Spleen and Stomach-filled Peanut Filled Lantern Festival, dehydrated bean paste-filled Lantern Festival, black and sesame stuffed Lantern Festival to fill the kidney and liver and spleen during winter and spring, Wuren Stuffed Lantern Festival for Yishen Runchang , Nourishing blood, nourishing liver and jujube stuffed Lantern Festival, and this stuffing also brings the fragrance of spring, sugar osmanthus filling, sugar rose filling, coconut filling, let the floral and fruity fragrance to dispel the cold evil accumulated in the body in winter, promote the human body Yang qi rises, catering to natural hepatic and qi-relieving, refreshing. From the Lantern Festival to the Lantern Festival, from the sweet stuffed Lantern Festival, to the salty stuffed soup yuan, eat a bit of meat in the new year and New Year in the past, after 15 years, Huan will pass, and the South will be busy in spring , Eat some fresh meat, bacon has a new taste and still read the plot, at the same time the mountain wild vegetables have also sprouted, used to make salty stuffing, not only tasted fresh, but also cleared the internal heat, detoxification, detoxification, Reduced blood pressure in the liver.

The fifteen dumplings are similar to the soup with salty stuffing. The wheat flour of the dumpling skin can clear the heat and benefit the kidney, and send winter to the spring. The fillings of dumplings are various, such as the first spring dish "Spring Leek" "For fresh, there are radish stuffing, cabbage stuffing, celery stuffing, spinach stuffing...

  Whether it’s salty stuffed soup or dumplings, a common feature is green leafy vegetables, because they are fresh and juicy It tastes sweet and sticky, not only rich in mineral elements, but also contains a large amount of various vitamins and chlorophylls, a large amount of dietary fiber, which can be eliminated for the human body, adding power to the liver detoxification, which is beneficial to healthy liver. Eat properly with this Some scallion, ginger, coriander, pepper, pepper and other foods with Xin Wen Sheng San can help the food to dissipate the cold and warm the weather in spring, and increase the body''s resistance to diseases.

  Yuanxiao''s "sweet", dumplings The stuffing of the skin, and the spring of the early spring diet to maintain health and strengthen the spleen and liver! But also pay attention to the warm spring climate, with the arrival of spring February (mid spring) and spring March (season spring), according to the principle of using warm and distant temperature , Food should be cold, avoid spicy things, so as not to help Yang leak. Do not warm up, so that heat evil accumulates in internal injuries and organs and organs functional activities. It is not advisable to use a warm diet. At the same time, the diet should be light, yang will spring in spring, and the energy demand will increase. However, due to the impact of the cold weather in the winter of last year, its organ function has been at a low level, and the spleen''s transport function has not reached the best state, so the diet should be light. In addition, because the spring wood is strong and the fragrance helps the spleen, it is also appropriate to use food with a fragrant smell. Avoid greasy thick and fried, hard and indigestible food. Patients with allergic diseases still need to avoid eating hair, so as not to cause disease or old injuries.

   So early spring comes first, the sun starts first, the coldness gradually recedes, and the temperature is still cold. We often have to dispel the coldness, help the spring to nourish the sun, be vibrant, full of vitality, and spring up the hair. The spleen and stomach nourish the liver, and the season for strengthening the body is in spring!

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