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The most common illegal additives in the most common food

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  Maybe you don’t know that some very ordinary foods are often illegally added by the processor to some "food additives" that are harmful to health. These illegal additives are so common in some foods that you buy these Pay attention to the food so as not to suffer from it without knowing it.

   1. Barbecue meat-nitrite

   kebabs, grilled meats and other chromite-added nitrite is the secret of many street grills. After using nitrite, the meat is bright and shiny, looks fresh and tastes good. A large amount of nitrite can cause acute poisoning, and long-term small intake of nitrite has carcinogenic effects.

   2. Meatballs-borax

  Borax has the characteristics of increasing the toughness and water retention of food. Adding meatballs can make it elastic and flexible. Borax can interact with stomach acid to produce boric acid. Boric acid is not easy to be excreted and has accumulation. After continuous ingestion, it will accumulate in the body and endanger the health of digestive system.

  3. Fritters-alum (aluminum potassium sulfate)

   alum gives the dough stick a bulky, soft taste, but because alum contains aluminum ions, excessive intake will affect the human body The absorption of iron, calcium and other components leads to osteoporosis, anemia, and even affects the development of nerve cells.

   4. Yuba-hanging white block (sodium formaldehyde sulfate)

  Yuba added illegally "hanging white block" mainly for antiseptic and bleaching and color enhancement, but it is mixed with long-term consumption "Hanging white block" food will damage human skin and mucous membranes, kidneys, liver and central nervous system, and severe cases will lead to cancer and deformity.

   5. Aquatic seafood-formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide

  Normal alkaline-produced seafood with yellowish color. The seafood immersed in formaldehyde has bright color, crisp and tender taste, and is not easy to rot. However, formaldehyde is very harmful to human body, which not only causes gastrointestinal symptoms, damages the liver, but also Has a potential carcinogenic effect. Hydrogen peroxide is mainly used in bleached seafood, and the health hazard is not small.

  6. Halogen products-poppy shell and nitrite

  Nitrite is a halogen (meat) product with bright color and good taste; poppy shell is both delicious and can make customers Addicted. Needless to say hazards.

  7. Pastries-a lot of pigments and sweeteners

  Many bakeries and pastry workshops use pigments, sweeteners and flavors without restraint, and the baked bread or The cake is very delicious, the aroma spreads far away, and the customers are overwhelming.

   8. Chencun powder——borax, hanging white block

  Borax and hanging white block work together to increase stiffness and improve taste.

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