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Homemade pot of blending oil

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  Edible oil has become one of the biggest problems in the diet structure of Chinese urban residents. According to the "Research Report on Nutrition and Health Status of Chinese Residents" released by the Ministry of Health in 2004, the proportion of urban residents'' dietary fat supply energy is as high as 35.0 % (Large cities are as high as 38.4%), far exceeding the reasonable upper limit of 30% recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). It should be said that the high proportion of fat in the diet is a problem of the world (a country with relatively good economic development), but the situation in China is quite special. The above survey shows that the intake of protein in the dietary structure of Chinese urban residents does not exceed the standard, which is 13.1 % (WHO recommends 10%~15%), the general rule is that protein-rich foods (such as fish, egg, milk and soy products) are also rich in fat, and Chinese urban residents do not exceed the protein level, which means that these high protein (at the same time fat There are not many foods), but where does the excess fat come from? The answer is obvious: the Chinese eat too much cooking oil (cooking oil), and 100% of the cooking oil is fat, not at all protein. The above survey shows that the average Chinese citizen consumes 44 grams of edible oil per person per day (25 grams recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society).

In addition to the large number, the single variety of edible oil is also a big problem. Many families consume a certain edible oil for a long time (peanut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, salad oil, etc.), which is not in line with The principle of food diversification, and no oil is perfect, they have their own characteristics, so the "Chinese Dietary Guidelines 2007" issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society recommends: "The types of cooking oil should be changed frequently, and a variety of vegetable oils should be consumed." It is strongly recommended that you diversify your family''s oil bottles, including peanut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, salad oil and other so-called "bulk oils", as well as olive oil, flax oil, perilla oil, walnut oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower Seed oil, corn oil and other "small variety oils", especially olive oil (rich in monounsaturated fatty acids), flax oil (rich in Omega Type 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids), perilla oil (rich in Omega type 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids) should be the most part of daily cooking oil, they are very important for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and child development.

  Here is a method to reconcile oil by family autonomy. Pour the edible oil in a large bottle (or plastic barrel) into a small oil pot according to the following ratio, and then use the small oil pot to cook food. Salad oil: linseed oil (or perilla oil): olive oil = 2:1:1. Note that this ratio is only my personal recommendation (I suggest not only considering the appropriate ratio of various types of fatty acids, but also considering the taste, price and cooking performance, etc.). It is also possible to use other ratios. The key is to mix and eat a variety of vegetable oils. Note that animal oils such as lard and beef tallow are not included. The recommendation to consume animal oil violates the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007". In addition, although there are special blended oil products on the market, due to cost reasons, its quality is almost incomparable with the “mixed oil” that we formulate using the above method.

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