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Why can't bovine colostrum improve immunity

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

   In order to avoid confusion or unauthorized exchange of concepts, it is first clear before the discussion: "immunity" here refers to the specific or non-specific immunity provided by antibodies, not the general immunity that is good for the body —— According to common sense, exercising, breathing fresh air, eating nutritious foods, and combining work and rest can all improve immunity. What we are talking about here is not this general immunity, but rather-as many bovine colostrum products advertise-immunity provided by IgG.

  Bovine colostrum does contain more IgG antibodies, but eating bovine colostrum will not get the effect of IgG antibodies and will not improve immunity, because bovine IgG and human IgG are separated by three An impossible gap:

   First, IgG antibodies are large-molecule proteins that are broken down into a single amino acid (or a group of two or three amino acids) after being taken orally into the intestine before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream . Once the IgG antibody is broken down into amino acids, it will no longer be an antibody and will not play an immune role. Moreover, IgG antibodies are digested into amino acids in the intestine, and the amino acid types are not much different from ordinary foods such as eggs and milk. Therefore, the clinical preparations for improving immunity are usually intravenous (or intramuscular), which is not effective when taken orally (except for special protective measures or small molecular substances).

   Second, there are species differences in IgG antibodies. Bovine IgG generally does not work on humans, and vice versa. Therefore, most of the clinically used preparations for improving immunity are human blood products (in the early days, many of them were synthesized using bioengineering technology), and antibodies extracted from animal blood are not effective for humans.

   Thirdly, IgG antibodies are immunologically active, but after heat sterilization (a necessary processing procedure for bovine colostrum), IgG antibodies (proteins) are denatured and will lose their immunological activity. This is like if you boil the seeds in boiling water and then plant them in the ground, it is impossible to grow grass seedlings.

   From this we can see that the antibody IgG in bovine colostrum has no effect on improving human immunity. Of course, the nutrition of bovine colostrum is good, better than milk.

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