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Ten fallacies about eggs

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-17

   1. Red shell eggs are more nutritious than white shell eggs

  In the past, people always thought that red shell eggs were more nutritious. The market price of red shell eggs is about 0.2 yuan/kg more expensive than white shell eggs. In fact, the test shows that the color of the eggshell has nothing to do with nutrition. Egg nutrition is related to feed. However, recently I have found that the prices of red and white shell eggs are the same on the market.

   2. Farm eggs (native eggs) are more nutritious

   Real farm eggs (counterfeit) may be better, but testing shows that in terms of nutrient content , Farm eggs are no more than foreign eggs (eggs on the farm).

   3. "Newborn eggs" are more nutritious

   There is no evidence that "newborn eggs" (the first few eggs or several eggs laid by hens) are better than later eggs There is nutrition. It is a typical hype concept. Seeing this blog, we can’t laugh at “newborn eggs”

  4. The more yellow the color of egg yolk, the better the nutrition

  The color of egg yolk is related to its various pigments, some of which, such as carotene, are indeed nutritious value. However, the existing "technology" can easily make the yolk color deeper, and has nothing to do with nutrition. I believe you have not forgotten the case of "Red Duck Egg".

   5. "Mao egg" is a tonic.

   Mao egg is "dead egg", which is an embryo that is hatched halfway through eggs. It is used in many places (at least in many cities in Liaoning). Tonic food (usually barbecue). In fact, the nutritional value of raw eggs is not high. Moreover, it often contains a lot of bacteria, which is very unhygienic.

   6. The longer the egg is cooked, the better

   On this issue, Teacher Fan’s blog has a detailed description: "The best state for eating eggs is that the egg whites have solidified and the yolks It is in a semi-solidified or flowing state. This will not only ensure digestion and absorption rate, but also avoid nutrient loss."

  7. Eating raw eggs is more nutritious

  Eating raw eggs interferes with the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), although occasionally, not often, eating eggs raw Does not cause biotin deficiency, but eating raw eggs is always unhygienic. Be aware that the hen''s raw eggs and defecation are the same set of pipes, which are easily contaminated.

  8. Maternals should eat more eggs

  The ancient custom of maternal eating large amounts of eggs has become an unmistakable fallacy today when food is abundant. Maternal women should eat a variety of foods (including meat, eggs, milk, beans, grains, vegetables and fruits) (eggs one or two per day) to achieve a balanced diet. The "Xiaomi porridge + egg" approach is very stupid.

   9. "Functional eggs" are better than ordinary eggs

   The so-called "functional eggs" refers to the eggs rich in zinc, iodine, selenium, calcium and other nutrients through feed technology. This sounds good, but in real life, because there is no standard and no detection, it is easy to fake.

  10. Don’t eat eggs with soy milk

  People who advocate "don’t eat eggs with soy milk" say: "raw soy milk" contains trypsin inhibitor, which can inhibit the human body The activity of proteases affects the digestion and absorption of proteins (such as eggs) in the human body. The problem is that no one drinks raw soy milk, we all drink it cooked. After the soy milk is heated, the trypsin inhibitor is destroyed and no longer works. So there is nothing wrong with eating eggs and soy milk together.

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