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Are fungus and mushrooms high-protein foods

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-17

  If we only look at the test data provided by the food composition table, the above statement is undoubtedly correct. The protein content per 100 grams of mushrooms is 21 grams, the protein content per 100 grams of fungus is 12.1 grams, and the protein content per 100 grams of beef (posterior tendon) is 20.2 grams; the protein content per 100 grams of eggs is 12.7 grams. Since beef and eggs are recognized as high-protein foods, mushrooms and fungus can also be called "high-protein". However, slow, this conclusion is wrong.

  The protein content of the mushrooms and agaric provided in the food ingredient table refers to dried mushrooms and dried agaric, and there is no water. And we cook, eat, and eat into the mouth are shiitake mushrooms and agaric. The protein content of shiitake mushrooms per 100 grams is 2.2 grams, and the protein content of 100 grams of shiitake mushrooms is 1.5 grams. As a comparison, the protein content per 100 grams of leeks and Chinese cabbage is 2.4 grams and 1.5 grams, respectively. It can be seen that in terms of protein content, fungus and mushrooms are not high-protein foods. Like other vegetables, their protein content is very low.

   Ignore the moisture content of food, which is the most susceptible mistake that many beginners make when using the food composition table. Comparing the nutrients of two foods with very different moisture content directly will not Draw the correct conclusion. For example, some people say that soy protein content (36%) is twice that of lean meat (18%), which is also wrong. Soy is dry, and the meat contains a lot of water. If you make lean meat as dry as soy, the protein content of lean meat (dry) is higher than soy!

   The correct way is to make two The moisture content of the foods is roughly the same, namely dry to dry ratio, wet to wet ratio, solid to solid ratio, liquid to liquid ratio. If you are using dried shiitake mushrooms and dried fungus protein content, it cannot be compared with beef and eggs. It should be compared with beef jerky and egg powder. The protein content per 100 grams of beef jerky or egg powder is 45.6 grams and 43.4 grams, respectively. . You will find that the protein content of shiitake mushrooms and agaric is very different from that of high-protein foods such as beef and eggs, and it cannot belong to the same category.

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