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How to choose dairy products

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

  The 2007 New Dietary Guidelines of the Chinese Nutrition Society recommends drinking 300 ml (or grams) of milk per day. There are many kinds of dairy products on the market, and there are so many kinds. How to choose them correctly?

  Infants (1~3 years old) should choose special infant or infant formula milk powder, whose nutritional ingredients and proportions are more in line with the nutritional needs of infants and young children . In principle, it is not advisable to feed ordinary liquid milk or ordinary milk powder to infants. Of course, if you consider the diversification of food, on the basis of formula milk powder, it is also possible to choose some yogurt, cheese or ordinary milk.

   Yogurt has higher nutritional value than ordinary milk and is easier to digest and absorb. It is especially suitable for people with indigestion, the elderly and children. Some adults are unable to tolerate lactose due to the lack of lactase in the intestine that digests lactose in ordinary milk, causing bloating, discomfort, abdominal pain, or diarrhea after drinking milk. You should drink yogurt, which does not contain lactose (or (The content is extremely low) The problem of intolerance does not occur.

  Cheese has the same properties as yogurt, but its moisture content is low, so the nutrient content is relatively higher. It is one of the most suitable dairy products for lactose intolerants and diabetic patients.

  Ordinary liquid milk is divided into pasteurized milk and ultra-high temperature sterilized milk according to the heating temperature during sterilization. The latter has advantages in storage and purchase, and the former is superior in nutrition. Consumers can choose according to their own situation. In addition, the nutritional value of goat''s milk, horse milk and other dairy products is equivalent to that of milk and each has its own merits.

   For ordinary adults, ordinary milk powder can also be used (in fact, some liquid milk is processed with milk powder in water), and some of its nutritional ingredients (such as vitamin A) are compared with milk There is a slight loss, but it is easy to eat and store.

  Skimmed milk (low-fat milk) or skimmed milk powder (low-fat milk powder) removes most of the fat (and some fat-soluble vitamins), with low energy, especially suitable for obese people, high blood fat or fatty liver patients . But it is not suitable for children and teenagers.

   There are a lot of milk drinks and yogurt drinks (or lactic acid bacteria drinks) on the market, and their protein content is low (generally only about 1%, while the protein content of milk or yogurt is about 2.9%, which can be identified The above two products), the nutritional value is much lower than ordinary milk, can only be used as a drink, and not used to replace milk (or yogurt). In addition, cream (also called butter) is mainly saturated fat, with high energy and low nutritional value, and it is not a dairy product recommended by dietary guidelines.

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