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Can you lose weight without breakfast

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

  Can you lose weight without eating breakfast? The answer must be found in lunch and dinner. If you don’t eat more lunch (and dinner) at the same time, you will reduce the total energy intake and help lose weight; but if you don’t eat breakfast, you will already be hungry, noon After eating one meal, the energy intake is more than two meals. The total energy intake is not reduced but increased, and then it can only increase fat. In the same way, some people try to lose weight by not eating lunch or dinner, they all have to face the same problem: Has total energy intake decreased?

  Some people advocate that a small amount of meals can be used to lose weight, while others advocate a large amount of less Meal can lose weight, in fact, in theory, whether you eat one meal or eight meals per day is not the key, the key is whether your total energy intake in a day is more or less, if the total energy intake is more (more than energy consumption) then It is not helpful to lose weight, if the total energy intake is less (less than energy consumption) then you can lose weight.

   Don’t talk about fatness and thinness with one meal, it depends on the whole day; don’t talk about fatness and thinness with one day, it depends on long-term.

   Focus on total energy intake in order to grasp the key to diet and weight loss, that is, no matter what you eat and how to eat, only reducing the total energy intake will help to lose weight.

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