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Eat fried chicken legs and want to lose weight

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-21

   Between lectures, some students asked me a "sharp" question: I want to lose weight, but I love fried chicken legs, what should I do?

   My answer is simple: easy to handle Every time you eat a fried chicken leg, you go out and jog for 1 hour, and every time you eat a fried chicken leg, you go out and jog for 1 hour.

   People can easily see the relationship between eating food and weight, but there is another factor closely related to weight, that is, exercise. Food is energy intake, exercise is energy consumption, and body weight reflects the balance between energy intake and energy consumption.

  If the energy intake (food) increases, the energy consumption also increases through exercise, such as eating 1 fried chicken leg (150 grams), about 300 kcal of energy intake, walking or jogging It consumes almost 300 kilocalories in 1 hour. If the two are equal, there is no energy left, no excess fat is produced, and the body weight will not increase.

   Of course, if you exercise first to increase consumption before you eat, the same is true after ingesting food. A host once accepted my guidance. Her colleague was very strange, why she often eats and dine outside, and she hardly tastes anything. She seems to eat everything she wants, but she still maintains a slender figure. The "secret" is that every time she decides to attend dinner, she exercises 1 or 2 hours in advance in the afternoon. If she drinks more that night, she will continue to exercise in the fitness center for 1 hour the next day.

  The effect of exercise on weight control is irreplaceable, especially for middle-aged people. Some people eat very little, but they are still obese, because the consumption is too small and they do not exercise (the other reason is that the basal metabolism is low and belongs to the fuel-efficient Xiali car. For details, see this blog "Why Someone Eats Not Fat"). Adhering to regular exercise and maintaining a certain exercise intensity are the keys to successful weight loss.

  According to the recommendations of the 2005 American Dietary Guidelines, if adults want to lose weight, they should participate in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 60 to 90 minutes a day while calorie intake does not exceed the required amount. "Medium intensity" refers to brisk walking or jogging, while yoga, walking, or ordinary walking are not of moderate intensity.

   The Chinese Resident’s Dietary Guidelines 2007 recommends that ordinary adults perform physical activities equivalent to 6,000 steps per day. People who want to lose weight have to exceed this amount of exercise.

  Compared to myself, I did not do 6,000 steps a day, so I was overweight, at risk of being obese, and ashamed and envious of an expert with a body mass index of only 19.

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