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Symptoms of baby anemia

BY Carol Carey 2019-12-07

  The symptoms of anemia in babies are mainly pale skin and mucous membranes. This is because when anemia occurs, red blood cells and hemoglobin will decrease, so it will show up. In addition, the baby''s anemia will also have a variety of adverse symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, malnutrition, repeated colds, digestive system performance and neurological dysfunction, so once anemia occurs, it needs to be dealt with in time.

  If the baby is not in daily life Pay attention to a balanced diet and nutrition. For example, frequent picky or partial eclipse may lead to a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body, and may even cause anemia. Although anemia is not a very serious disease, if it is not treated in time after the illness, it will cause a variety of adverse symptoms. So, what are the symptoms of baby anemia?
  1, pale skin and mucous membranes
  Pale skin and mucous membranes appear symptoms after anemia, of which the face, pinna, palms and lips are the most obvious, and oral mucosa And the conjunctiva will look very pale. This is because the capillaries are abundant in these parts. When anemia occurs, the red blood cells and hemoglobin will decrease, and the blood color will become lighter, so it is easy to show.
  2. Accelerated heartbeat
  The tissue will be hypoxic during anemia, and it will pass through the high-speed brain command center of the nervous system, which will cause children to have accelerated heartbeat and lungs. Symptoms such as increased breathing movements, this phenomenon is called compensation. However, compensation has a certain limit. If the anemia continues to worsen, it will lead to dysfunction of compensation, resulting in enlarged heart and even heart failure.
  3. Malnutrition
  If the baby has anemia for a long time, it will make the physical development worse, short stature, and easy to fatigue, which are all caused by malnutrition. In addition, some children will have poor skin elasticity, poor nail development, and dry and dull hair.
  4. Repeated colds
  Anemia will cause the baby''s immunity to decline, which makes the virus more likely to enter the baby''s body, so it is easy to have repeated colds.
  5. Digestive system performance
  Children with anemia often show symptoms of digestive system. This is because the cells of the digestive system will be dysfunctional due to lack of oxygen, the main symptoms Manifested as indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
  6. Nervous system disorders
  Anemia can cause hypoxia in brain tissues, which can cause symptoms such as lack of energy, restlessness, and inattentiveness. Poor response. If the child is anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, then the symptoms of the nervous system will be more obvious.

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