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Grains and grains

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-05

  Wheat is very common in daily life, but you haven’t thought about it. The health benefits of wheat are not lost to other foods. Do you know what the effect of wheat is? Do you know the difference between tartary buckwheat and buckwheat? What are the benefits of drinking barley tea? Let’s take a look.

  Efficacy and role of wheat

   1. Wheat For menopausal women, eating unrefined wheat can also relieve menopausal syndrome;

< p>   2. Eating whole wheat can reduce the content of estrogen in the blood circulation, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and curing breast cancer;

   3. Wheat has high nutritional value and contains B vitamins and minerals Very beneficial to human health;

  4. Wheat can be decoction, porridge, or made into a regular pasta; It can also be applied externally at the end of the study to treat carbuncle, trauma and scald;

< p>  5. Wheat should be eaten with jujube and licorice for women who are dirty, and wheat should be eaten with jujube and astragalus for spontaneous night sweats. The shrivelled wheat floating on the water surface is called floating wheat, which has better antiperspirant power.

  6. Wheat flour with a longer storage time is better than freshly ground flour. "New" saying; flour is best eaten with rice.

  The difference between tartary buckwheat and buckwheat

   There are also controversies about buckwheat, that is, the difference between tartary buckwheat and buckwheat, the starch content of buckwheat is more sweet And tartary buckwheat has a bitter taste, both are buckwheat. What is the difference between tartary buckwheat and buckwheat?

  buckwheat is the only crop among cereal crops that integrates seven major nutrients, and is known as the "king of grains". Buckwheat is divided into sweet buckwheat and tartary buckwheat. The appearance of the seeds is not very different, but the sweet buckwheat food is white in color, while the tartary buckwheat food is yellow-green.

In terms of taste, sweet buckwheat food has a light taste and no special taste, while bitter buckwheat food has a light taste and no special taste, while bitter buckwheat food is The taste is bitter, which makes it difficult for the first time to eat, but after eating, it has its own unique fragrance.

  Tartary buckwheat has long been recognized by the world for its edible and medicinal value. Countries such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea import a large amount of buckwheat from China every year. Especially in Japan, there are 7,000 buckwheat noodle restaurants in the local area alone, and tartary buckwheat noodles have long been a delicacy.

  In Dongying island country, when Chinese food such as tartary buckwheat noodles is swallowed in large quantities and enjoy a healthy and long life, all we can do is try to display it in front of the Chinese and let each one Chinese people eat healthy and good physique, so that the Chinese nation can stand taller and stand straighter in the world!

  The benefits of barley tea

  Barley has the effects of strengthening the spleen and eliminating food, removing heat and quenching thirst, lowering qi and water. Barley tea is mainly used for cooling and detoxification, spleen and weight loss, clearing heat and relieving heat, removing fishy fat, greasy, digestion and moisturizing hair.

  Barley tea can also be used for: overeating, chest tightness and abdominal distension, fried black grinded clothes, it can reduce inflammation and reduce swelling, and can regulate diarrhea. Pediatric food products, thin yellow muscles, old and weak people, lack of food and fatigue, take barley and sugar, to strengthen the stomach. Gastrointestinal ulcers, with barley as the main food, can calm the stomach and relieve hidden pain.

  About fried black (paste) barley tea. Relevant experts have argued that the dark-blown barley can stop diarrhea, but it is harmful to normal people. Long-term service can make people gradually dry and get angry, and it will not achieve its true effect. For example: now about too long Fried food contains cancer-causing substances.

  Barley tea does not contain theophylline, caffeine, tannins, etc., does not stimulate nerves, does not affect sleep, does not contaminate tea sets, does not contaminate teeth.

  Barley tea is coarse grain. Dietary cellulose in coarse grains can adjust the digestion and absorption function, thereby delaying the absorption of nutrients. Dietary cellulose can also produce satiety, avoid excessive intake of heat energy, fat, carbohydrates, and has the effect of preventing obesity.

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