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The hazards of uncertain meals

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-05

  Indefinite meals are most likely to cause cancer invasion

   Breakfast is not free, lunch is good, dinner is social, and overtime is eaten at night. This condition is not uncommon among urban young people. If you often have flatulence, pantothenic acid, indigestion, and loss of appetite, you must be careful. Don''t treat it as indigestion or gastritis. You may be targeted by gastric cancer.

  Double the incidence of gastric cancer in young people

  The incidence of gastric cancer is the result of long-term and joint effects of various factors, in addition to genetic factors, environmental factors, etc. The irregular diet and lifestyle habits of urban young people do increase the risk of stomach cancer in this group.

  Recommends young people in the city to have a bowl of porridge for breakfast, seemingly inconspicuous porridge, which can give the best "consolation" to the gastrointestinal system; try to choose lunch or Chinese fast food for lunch. Balanced; dinner is lighter, just fry a vegetable and drink a bowl of porridge. But be sure to eat as early as possible.

   In addition, eat a certain amount of fresh vegetables every day. Some studies have confirmed that the nutrients in vegetables can block the formation of nitrosamines in the body and have the role of preventing cancer.

  Eating supper or eating dinner too late is very harmful to the stomach. The food eaten stays in the stomach, promotes a large amount of gastric juice secretion, and causes irritation to the gastric mucosa.

   In addition, most young people eat midnight snacks, most of them choose barbecues, hot pots, fried products, etc. Such foods contain more or less carcinogens, which will increase the risk of stomach diseases.

   In addition, young people have a rich nightlife and often sleep late and stay up late, but current scientific research has confirmed that staying up late will increase the prevalence by 50%, so don’t think that youth is a healthy capital, try your best Develop the habit of going to bed early.

  Gastroscopy patients should have gastroscopy every year

  Early symptoms of gastric cancer are lack of specificity, some patients will have upper abdominal discomfort or pain, or loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. Most patients, especially young patients, usually treat chronic gastropathy, gastritis, and gastric ulcers, and buy their own medicine for treatment.

  Clinically, many young patients with gastric cancer have a late check-up time. Upon examination, it is found that the gastric cancer has reached the middle or advanced stage. Therefore, it is recommended that young people seek medical attention if they experience stomach upset.

  Some patients already suffering from stomach diseases should pay more attention to the changes in pain patterns and time. Once coughing up blood, bloody stools, and unexplained weight loss, you should go to the hospital in time for examination. Examination can choose gastroscopy, upper gastrointestinal angiography, B-ultrasound, CT and other methods, of which, gastroscopy is the most accurate. At present, early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment are the most critical means to reduce the mortality of gastric cancer in young people.

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