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Summer food whitebait

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-25

  Silkfish has been an excellent ingredient used by people to support the spleen and stomach since ancient times.

  Whitebait can be eaten all over the body. In addition to meat, the internal organs, head and wings are also eaten together. There is no uncomfortable foreign body at the entrance, but the delicious taste will always be duang~duang~ The ground hits the taste buds, and people can''t stop eating it.

  Whitebait is usually 6~13 cm. It is white and transparent, with a warm color. From Qingming to the summer solstice, it is the best time to eat. Although whitebait is an aquatic product, its sex is calm, and it is a very good choice for many people who are allergic to aquatic foods, especially young children. Moreover, silver fish has been a good ingredient used by people to support the spleen and stomach since ancient times. For people who often eat barbecue and drink cold beer in summer, the stomach and yin are depleted, and thirst, dryness, and constipation often occur. It is a good choice to make whitebait dishes.

  The most classic way of whitebait is Tang Tang. In addition to those who taste it, all are impressed by its delicious taste and the smooth taste of the moisturizer. Here are three family whitebait dishes:

  Whitebait bitter melon summer, eating a bitter taste will help to eliminate irritability and clear the fire, and then mix with protein-rich whitebait to achieve a light but nutritious A meal.

   1. Wash and slice the bitter gourd. The whitebait is washed with water and drained.

   2. Mix bitter gourd with salt and let it sit for 3-5 minutes.

   3. Wash the bitter gourd mixed with salt again with water and drain for use.

   4. Pour the right amount of peanut oil in the hot pot. When the oil temperature is 50% hot, add the washed whitebait, stir fry until golden, and remove it for use.

   5. Put the remaining oil in the pot, put onion, ginger, garlic and bitter gourd to stir fry, add sugar and a little salt.

   6. Pour in the fried whitebait from step four, and stir well before you can get out of the pan.

  Silverfish egg dish is extremely rich in protein, suitable for the frail.

   1. Wash the fish for use.

   2. Into 3 eggs, add ginger, green onion, salt, raw oil and twice as much water as the egg.

   3. Stir well.

   4. Cover the plate with plastic wrap, boil water, steam in the pan until the egg just solidifies.

  Sansi silver fish soup

  1. Wash and drain the whitebait;

   2. Put the whitebait in a bowl and add cooking wine, salt, MSG, and pepper to mix well;

   3. Wash and cut the mushrooms and carrots separately Into filaments;

  4. Wash and cut the shepherd’s purse into segments;

  5. Put the wok on the fire and heat it up, pour in the appropriate amount of water, boil the cooking wine and put it into a white fish to boil. , Remove and set aside;

   6. Pour the oil in another pot and cook until 50% hot, add carrot and shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry for 3 minutes;

   7. Pour the cooking wine , Add proper amount of water, salt, monosodium glutamate and stew for 5 minutes, then add whitebait and shepherd''s purse to the soup for 5 minutes;

   8. Add whitebait and shepherd''s purse to the soup and mix well, then thicken with starch.

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