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Autumn Lily and Osmanthus

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   The autumn is refreshing and refreshing. When the golden autumn is ushered in, my blog will serialize the explanation and promotion of the best autumn food. I hope that my friends who have read my blog will get some gains. At the same time, I hope you can give me better opinions and suggestions.

  Talk about lily in the autumn diet

  Lily is a special food in autumn. Chinese medicine believes that lily can nourish the heart and lungs. Those with lung deficiency cough, dry cough and no sputum, or those who feel dry and cold cough in autumn are suitable for eating lily. You can also eat lily when you suffer from insomnia and restlessness at night. Now it is known that lily is very rich in nutrients, including protein, vitamins, carotene and so on. Lily can significantly inhibit the mutagenic effect of aflatoxin, and it is often used clinically in adjuvant therapy such as leukemia, lung cancer, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Changshi has the effect of moistening lungs, clearing heart and adjusting heart, can cough, hemostasis, appetite, calm the nerves, help to enhance physical fitness, inhibit the growth of tumor cells, and alleviate radiotherapy response. At the same time, it can also treat heartburn.

  The therapeutic effect of fresh lily is better. It is a tonic product with both medicine and food. It is available in all seasons, but it is more suitable for consumption in autumn. There are many ways to eat lily. It can be eaten as a dish. For example, fried shepherd''s purse lily, cut the shepherd''s purse first, and fry it with the lily petals. It is a delicious dish, especially suitable for patients with lung disease. You can also cook porridge, such as lily and glutinous rice to make lily porridge, put a little sugar, not only delicious, but also soothe the nerves, help sleep. You can also use lily, lotus seeds and red dates to make soup, which can be eaten as a snack and also has a tonic effect. However, those with wind-cold cough and cold diarrhea should not take Lily.

  Sweet osmanthus when talking about the best food in the autumn season

  The autumn is refreshing and the osmanthus fragrant. Osmanthus generally blooms from September to October. In addition to being for viewing, it is also delicious to collect. Harvest osmanthus and dry it in the shade. After removing impurities, store it in airtight storage and use bubble tea, wine dip, sugar and salting for use. After eating ginkgo, lotus seeds, chestnuts, put a handful of them, the fragrance is pungent, and the appetite will increase.

   Osmanthus fragrans has warmth, dissipates cold, warms the stomach and relieves pain, dissolves phlegm and disperses stasis. Commonly used for stomach pain, abdominal pain, toothache, bad breath, etc.

  Recommended small recipe:

   (1) 3 grams of osmanthus and rose each, drink in boiling water, 2-3 times a day. It has the effect of relieving qi and warming stomach and dispelling cold. It is suitable for stomachache, indigestion, chest tightness and belching.

   (2) 3 grams each of osmanthus and chrysanthemum, rinse with water after rinsing, 2-3 times a day. It has the function of fragrant and clear stomach, suitable for stomach heat and bad breath.

  (3) Osmanthus fragrans 60g, immersed in 500g of liquor, can be drunk after a month, and take a little when stomach and stomach pain. It can warm the stomach and disperse cold, regulate Qi and relieve pain, and is suitable for cold pain in the abdomen.

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