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What is the surgical treatment of early hormonal avascular necrosis of the femoral head

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Surgery is one of the common methods for the treatment of hormonal avascular necrosis of the femoral head. For the early surgical treatment of hormonal avascular necrosis of the femoral head, decompression is the main method, supplemented by vascular bundle implantation, bone flap , Transplantation of pedicle bone flap or anastomotic bone flap, autologous bone marrow transplantation, arthroscopy and electromagnetic field treatment to promote osteogenesis and vascular regeneration and improve blood flow.

   1. Drilling decompression: It is a treatment method deduced from the theory of intramedullary hypertension in the pathogenesis of hormonal ischemic necrosis of femoral head. It has the characteristics of simple operation and quick effect. Through a small incision in the skin, the guide drill is introduced from the femoral trochanteric region along the femoral neck to the femoral head subchondral bone, and one or two tunnels are made to make the venous blood accumulate in it. Outflow to reduce the pressure in the bone marrow and provide space for the growth of arterial blood vessels, delay the progression of the disease, and thus delay the time of total hip replacement.

  Second, drilling and decompression plus bone flap transplantation: The surgical mechanism is that the transplanted bone flap can support cartilage, prevent the femoral head from collapsing, and bring in some ingredients that promote bone regeneration. Delloye reported on 10 necrotic femoral heads. Seven hips remained after 4 years of operation. He did not undergo joint replacement surgery. He believes that this treatment is not once and for all, but it has significantly delayed the intervention time of artificial joint replacement surgery. .

   III. Drilling decompression plus pedicled bone flap transplantation: Femoral head medullary core decompression with deep circumflex iliac pedicled iliac bone graft is a treatment method with the main purpose of promoting repair. The purpose of this operation is to avoid joint damage caused by osteonecrosis, so as to preserve its own femoral head, not to rebuild damaged femoral head. Some scholars have conducted a prospective study on 15 patients, 18 hips, and vascularized fibula transplantation for the treatment of hormonal ischemic necrosis of the femoral head. After at least 5 years of follow-up, it has proved satisfactory. Another scholar also reached the same conclusion in the study and believed that it can be used as a valuable treatment for young patients with femoral head necrosis stage Ⅱ-Ⅲ under 40 years old.

  In addition to the above methods, there are some other methods, such as: drilling decompression plus vascular bundle implantation, drilling decompression plus autologous bone marrow transplantation, drilling decompression plus arthroscopy The exact curative effect of dissection, decompression and electromagnetic field treatment is still under discussion.

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