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How to prevent osteoporosis scientific exercise

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Although exercise, calcium supplementation, and active vitamin D are complementary in the early prevention of osteoporosis, the important position of exercise should be emphasized, that is, people often say that life is exercise.

  Studies have confirmed that bones after exercise The level of serum alkaline phosphatase formed as a biochemical marker was significantly increased, while the serum acid phosphatase and anti-tartaric acid phosphatase, which reflect the activity of osteoclasts and bone resorption, were significantly reduced, indicating that exercise can improve bone metabolic activity. The promotion of bone formation is greater than that of bone absorption.

  Exercising increases bone mass, it also increases the body’s calcium requirement. Conversely, if the body does not exercise for a long time, the bone calcium requirement will decrease, and a large amount of bone calcium will be free In the blood, and excreted with urine, thereby reducing bone density. After 6 weeks of bed rest in normal young people, the excretion of calcium in urine can be doubled to that of normal people. I am in clinical contact with a large number of fracture patients, of which the elderly osteoporotic fractures are more common. For these patients who need to stay in bed for a long time, we particularly emphasize the formulation of exercise prescriptions.

  According to statistics, the bone loss of the elderly patients with osteoporotic fracture in one week of absolute bed rest is equivalent to 1% of their total bone mass, which is the bone loss of 1 year under normal circumstances. This is an alarming number. Therefore, we should emphasize the positive effects of exercise on improving the quality of life of the elderly, reducing bone loss, improving cardiopulmonary function, gastrointestinal function and other organ functions. For patients who have fractured, attention should be paid to the formulation of local exercise prescriptions to exercise the functions of the healthy organs and systems and promote recovery.

  Even for patients who have already suffered from osteoporosis and even have osteoporotic fractures, they still need to emphasize the importance of exercise, and doctors must develop personalized exercises for them prescription. If you compare the bone density of the human body to a "bone mass bank", it is important to invest as soon as possible, but open source also needs to be throttled.

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