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Child armed to teeth

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Children are our darlings. How to raise children into a healthy baby has always been a topic of debate. Many parents of children ask me, what good medicine or nutrients do children drink stronger? I often answer with a smile: "As the saying goes, medicine is not as good as food supplements. Feed your children."

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   Today, most of us are children For this "little emperor", we can really make it out for him. However, with such a child, we often have a lot of confusion and always feel that he can''t support him. The seemingly small problems such as children''s picky eaters, children''s fevers and colds often haunt us.

  How to raise our children? How to make them healthier? I saw a sticky post in the parenting forum two days ago, six questions about the health of baby growth, parents discussed It is very positive, so today, I will talk about my childcare experience from the perspective of nutrition.

  It has been confirmed that there are more than 40 kinds of nutrients necessary for human beings. These nutrients must meet human needs through food intake. What nutrients do we all need? Let me introduce some main contents.

  (1) The foundation of life: protein

  protein is the material basis of life, without protein there is no life. Each of our cells and all important components have proteins involved. We often say that high-quality protein refers to a protein with a complete range of amino acids, sufficient quantity, and an appropriate proportion. It includes protein in milk, eggs, fish, meat and soy protein in soybeans. The human body has a high utilization rate of these proteins, which can not only maintain the health of adults, but also promote the growth and development of children. Two-thirds of our daily protein intake should be high-quality protein. Also. We also often see the description of milk powder with whey protein. This is a recognized high-quality protein supplement. It is the highest nutritional value of various proteins. Its essential amino acid types and contents are complete, and it is easy to be digested and absorbed. .

  (2) The source of human wisdom: fatty acids

  There are more than 40 different fatty acids in nature, they are the key components of lipids, fatty acids are One of the main energy sources of the body. Humans can obtain fatty acids from food or synthesize fatty acids themselves. But there are two types of fatty acids that the human body cannot synthesize and can only be obtained from food. This is what we often say is essential fatty acids. There are two kinds of essential fatty acids: one is linoleic acid (LA), and the other is linolenic acid (ALA), which are metabolized by the body to produce DHA. DHA is the "brain gold" we are familiar with, and is a key nutrient that affects the brain development of children. Soybean oil that we often eat contains this ingredient. Now, in order to make our children smarter, many regular milk powder manufacturers in our country pay more and more attention to adding these two ingredients to milk powder.

  (3) Human Energy Factory: Carbohydrates

  Carbohydrates can be regarded as the fuel required for human organs to work. For example, the brain mainly uses it as a source of energy. Most carbohydrates come from plants. Such as grains, vegetables, fruits and beans. In addition, dairy products are the only food that contains a lot of carbohydrates derived from animals. Nutrition experts believe that 50% to 60% of the calories people consume every day should come from carbohydrates. Consuming as many fiber-containing carbohydrates as possible, especially beans and whole wheat foods, will be beneficial to human health

  (4) Catalysts for human reactions: minerals

  The human body needs more than 50 minerals. Although they only account for 4% of the body weight in the human body, they are an essential part of the organism. Among the essential minerals for the human body, there are essential elements such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium and trace elements such as iron, zinc, selenium, and copper. Minerals, like the vitamins we are familiar with, are essential elements of the human body. Minerals cannot be produced and synthesized by themselves. Minerals are essential to our entire physical and mental health. They are catalysts that can cause many biological and electrical reactions, muscle reactions, nervous system messages and energy transmission in the body, promote hormone secretion, digestion, utilization of food nutrition, etc. Clinically, children''s common rickets, anemia and other diseases are caused by lack of minerals.

  (5) Three Musketeers who protect eyesight: lutein, taurine, vitamin A

   "Eyes and eyes are a treasure, reading and writing are inseparable ", Now that there are more and more children with myopia and amblyopia, what''s going on? In addition to heredity and bad eye habits, the three substances related to vision (lutein, taurine, vitamin A) also It is more and more valued by human beings. Vitamin A (retinol), taurine, and lutein are all indispensable nutrients for vision development, and have the functions of maintaining vision and promoting retinal development. Lutein is widely found in vegetables, flowers, fruits and other plants. Vitamin A is higher in animal liver and cod liver oil; the most abundant taurine is sea fish and shellfish. Therefore, if your child has good eyesight, proper fruits and seafood are essential foods.

  (6) Cleaning staff in the intestine: prebiotics

  prebiotics (scientific name is functional oligosaccharides) It is very loud, and some data show that adding these oligosaccharides to food can increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and reduce harmful bacteria in the intestine. Now many well-known domestic and foreign milk product manufacturers (such as the beinme milk powder we are familiar with) have successfully added prebiotics to the milk powder, the children''s stools are smooth, and natural illnesses are reduced.

  (VII) Factors of less illness: immune substances

  Mothers who had children must have this experience, colostrum is yellow, because Colostrum contains indispensable human immunoglobulin. According to statistics, the immunoglobulin that occupies 80% of the colostrum immune component is a natural antibody against various pathogenic bacteria and viruses. This shows how important breastfeeding is. Can bovine colostrum replace human colostrum? There is currently no evidence-based medical evidence.

   In recent years, there have been more and more researches on nucleotides. The significant role of nucleotides in the human body is to improve the vitality of the cells by participating in the metabolism of the cells, thereby improving the self-function and self-regulating ability of the body tissues, organs and systems, and achieving the best comprehensive state. Studies have shown that supplementing food nucleotides has the following effects: enhance immunity, anti-oxidation, promote cell regeneration and repair, maintain normal intestinal flora and affect nutrient utilization. Infant milk powders produced in countries such as Europe, America, and Japan all have trace nucleotides added according to the content of breast milk.

  (Eight) arm our children to the teeth

  Everyone on earth knows that calcium is the main raw material that constitutes human bones and teeth, is the growth and development Indispensable nutrients. Many parents consciously supplement their babies with calcium, but the baby will still lack calcium. This is because the absorption rate of calcium is low and vitamin D is needed to help absorption. Many parents give their children cod liver oil for a long time, thinking that this will solve the problem of calcium supplementation. This is actually not safe, because cod liver oil may be poisoned if eaten for a long time, so it is still said that medicine is not as good as food. Mothers pay attention to the content of vitamin D in milk powder. If they are added, do not blindly give their children long-term medicine. At the same time taking more children to outdoor activities is the best way to supplement vitamin D.

  (9) Water is the best medicine

  Some people say that water is the best medicine. I think water is more than medicine. Water is the most important and essential medicine for all life processes to proceed normally. Without water, any of the nutrients mentioned above cannot play a normal role. Our lives are inseparable from water. Therefore, letting children develop the habit of drinking more water and less drinks is also the wisdom of not getting sick.

  The above is a little bit of knowledge about nutrition that I have learned. These contents are actually just a drop in the knowledge of nutrition, written for your reference. Finally, I would like to conclude with the opinion in "How to Improve the Immunity of Children" written by the Australian nutritionist Anna Nick Oswah: "Microbiological nutrients that claim to improve immunity may have a short-term effect on children''s anti-infection Effect, but medicine is not as good as food supplement. It is more important to think about the child''s resistance to make the child less sick and a reasonable diet.

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