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Breastfeeding is good for mothers

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  Everyone knows the benefits of breastfeeding, and has repeatedly emphasized that 4-6 months of exclusive breastfeeding is enough. However, according to surveys, breastfeeding rates in China are not high today. Is it the reason of urbanization, so that more mothers return to work too soon after the birth, so that the baby lacks breastfeeding?

  According to investigations, we do not understand breastfeeding to the mother himself except for work or other reasons There is also a reason for being good.

   Breastfeeding babies, what are the benefits for mothers themselves?

  1. Breastfeeding can help breast cancer prevention

  Scientists in the United States surveyed 5,000 women and found that none of the women who fed their children between 9 and 12 months had breast cancer. Dr. Berkeley of the United States once wrote in his book "Nutrition and Anticancer" that if the baby is fed only milk and not breast milk, it will not only increase the possibility of the child to develop cancer, but also the mother herself is susceptible to cancer . Therefore, he advised many young mothers to deal with breastfeeding infants, which is not only conducive to the healthy growth of children, but also an ideal way for mothers to avoid breast cancer.

  2. Breastfeeding mothers lose weight quickly

  Some studies have shown that women who breastfeed their babies compared with women who use non-breastfeeding babies after childbirth The weight loss is faster and the effect is more significant. Therefore, women who breastfeed their babies do not have to worry about not recovering their body after delivery. Many women who have just given birth have been blindly dieting because they are eager to recover their slim body before delivery. This approach obviously does more harm than good. . On the one hand, blindly reducing the weight by controlling the amount of food is not effective, on the other hand, it will also lead to insufficient nutrition in breast milk, which will adversely affect the development of the baby.

   Therefore, women who are breastfeeding must ensure that they get enough nutrition from food, and then breastfeed their babies to achieve the purpose of weight loss after delivery.

  3. Breastfeeding is conducive to the mother’s postpartum rehabilitation

  Oxytocin produced by baby sucking can promote uterine contraction and accelerate uterine recovery during puerperium .

  4. Facilitate contraception

   breastfeeding can also inhibit ovulation, delay menstruation, and prolong the birth interval. Within 6 months after delivery, exclusive breastfeeding is the most effective natural method of contraception.

  5. Breastfeeding can promote the gastrointestinal absorption function of the mother

  I want to say to young mothers, the information I checked is very useful, in order to Children and yourself, insist on breastfeeding!

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