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what to do if kids does not want to eat

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-02

  I think there are quite a lot of such parents, but in fact they haven’t gotten out of some misunderstandings. I went to her webpage to see that her child looks very healthy, not malnourished at all. In fact, the child can''t be hungry at all, precisely because the parents are too worried and caring, so that the child does not feel hungry. Not trying to do everything, but simply not creating conditions for children to be hungry. My article is posted again for reference by similar parents.

  How to make thin children Fall in love with eating

When I go to the clinic, I often meet parents who consult with thin children who don’t like eating. From the understanding of the situation, I have initially summarized some laws. Among these thin children, a lot of children do not like to eat or eat very little, which makes parents very annoyed. Do thin children represent unhealthy? What are the reasons why they do not eat? How to make thin children grow more meat?

  I have summarized some experiences, which are not necessarily perfect, and parents have a selective reference. Children of different ages have different characteristics, parents should first understand Some of their characteristics.

  (一) N reasons why children don’t eat

  1, Some people call children around the age of one "the age of not eating." Children of this age have just started to transition from breast milk or cow milk to the addition of flavored food supplements. At the same time, their intelligence has also begun to develop rapidly. They began to know their family members, observe the outside world, and have a clear preference for the food they eat. Therefore, it is normal for picky eating to occur during this period.

  2. Babies after the age of three have obvious picky eating. The common situation is that the transition of complementary foods is too slow or too fast at a young age. These children are divided into two extremes. Some children love to eat (the main food is the main, not to eat or to eat less food), but the parents do not pay attention to give their children milk, eggs, etc., children in rural areas are more common. The other part of the children only drink milk and one or two foods that he likes. They do not eat well and eat well. Children in the city are more common.

  3, not to eat: Many parents repeatedly say that the child will not eat and eat nothing, but let them record the child’s three-day diet in detail, but find that the child is constantly eating snacks or drinking beverages.

  4, little activity, no hunger. Today''s children are mostly only children, and children, parents always like to hug. Older children, less active outdoor activities, not enough exercise. Then, when the child is not hungry, the parents let the child eat, and fill the duck or chase feeding.

  5. Too little time is spent on children’s meals. Nowadays, young parents are mostly dual-workers who are busy with work. They rarely have time to cook for their children. Most of the time, children and adults eat the same food.

  6, Not paying attention to children''s sleep, children''s playfulness is natural, and many do not like to sleep. Parents don''t pay attention to their children''s sleep time, let them play indulgently, stay up late with themselves. Or give their children a lot of cram school, and have little rest on weekends, so that the child is fatigued and affects their development.

  7. Inheritance of factors: If you don’t pay attention to genetic factors, the parents of the child are not fat, but the child is required to be fat. Although the child looks thinner than the child of the same age, it does not reach the index of malnutrition.

  8, Ignore the pathological conditions. For some weak and sick children, parents only pay attention to local diseases, but do not go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, thus neglecting some diseases that affect development and delaying the condition.

  9, children with allergies, many children with allergies are thin, these children usually like to rub their eyes or nose, sleep is not honest, when they are young, they are prone to eczema or urticaria. Severe sleep snoring, easy Repeated colds and even asthma, go to the hospital to get an injection as soon as you get sick.

   (2) Let thin children fall in love with eating

  The following methods may be helpful for your child to fall in love with eating. Parents may choose to refer to it if you have a good way, Hope to write it in the message for everyone to share.

   1. Hunger therapy. The so-called hunger is also a reasonable feeding. If the child is not hungry or feeding, he does not chase and feed, indicating that he will stop feeding as soon as he is full. This seems simple, but it takes a lot of determination and patience to implement it.

   2. Food diversity

  Diversification of food is the best way to arouse children’s interest in eating. To find a way for children to make food that suits their appetite, you can buy a children''s recipe reference. However, it should be noted that this is not the case when supplementary foods are added to small babies, and the principle of "from less to more, from thin to thick, from one to multiple" should be followed.

   3. Patience, parents must have this situation. When children refuse to eat a certain food, parents usually persuade to give up two or three times. Someone has done an investigation. When you patiently persuade the child 10 times, the 90% child will not refuse. I have done this test for my children, it is effective, but it does require a lot of patience, but it seems not suitable for long-term use.

   4. Understand the child’s psychology: Children have a common psychology. When a child eats, don’t let him eat alone at a small dinner table, let him eat with an adult, or find a few friends to eat together, let The lively dining table is a psychological method to rebuild the baby''s desire for the dining table. If most children go to kindergarten, they naturally love to eat.

   5. Adequate sleep: Many parents think that their children are thin, and they only think that their children have bad appetite. In fact, quite a lot of children are caused by lack of sleep. Therefore, cultivating children''s habit of going to bed early is also the key to children''s development.

   6. Appropriate amount of activity: children who can’t walk don’t hug, they must train their children to climb more. Older children, if not tired, do more outdoor activities.

   7. Seek the help of a doctor: For thin and repeatedly ill children, be sure to go to the hospital to do some routine examinations for the child, to see if the child has iron deficiency anemia, digestive system diseases, etc., and then use the medicine reasonably according to the condition.

   8. A small amount of meals: Some children with small appetites, don’t let him like adults only eat three meals a day, you can increase the number of meals according to his hunger. But at night it is not easy to eat too greasy.

   9. Drink more milk, no matter how old you are, you must ensure a certain amount of milk intake every day. If you are allergic to drinking milk, you can choose desensitized milk powder, or you can supplement with nutritional powder, soy milk or Yogurt, etc.

  10. Children with allergies and who have repeated respiratory infections or even asthma, be sure to find a respiratory or asthma specialist for treatment, do not give the child infusions at any time. At the same time, it is recommended to look at Chinese medicine, according to the situation of the child, Choosing some suitable traditional Chinese medicines is very effective for enhancing physical fitness.

   In short, when the child is thin, don’t worry too much, and don’t try to ask the doctor for some medicine to solve the child’s bad habit of not eating. In fact, the best way is to learn more about the characteristics of the child, reasonably feed and diet, and formulate a "meat-increasing plan" according to the specific situation. It should be noted that thin does not mean sickness, and fat does not mean healthy. Although the child is thinner, as long as he is strong, has no bad habits, and is not sick, he does not have to worry too much about his fatness and thinness.

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