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The health-care effect of yam

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Yam, also known as Dioscorea japonica and Yuyan, is a very "grass root" nutritious food. It has been loved by people since ancient times, and was included in poetry during the Tang and Song Dynasties. For example, after Su Dongpo was demoted to Danzhou, he planted a lot of yam in his own "reserved land", and used it as a gourmet to enjoy. . And to say, as long as you can eat yam every day, you will no longer feel homesick!

  The classic classic "Dream of Red Mansions" mentions a lot of delicious delicacies, among which yam has been mentioned many times, including date mud yam cake, yam red meatballs and so on. This shows that yam has already been included in the ancient diet.

  Yam is a very good food for both medicine and food, especially Huai Yam in Huaiqing, Henan is the best, commonly known as "iron stick yam". Chinese yam needs to be peeled, sliced, and dried. It is often used in the soup of Cantonese cuisine, such as Huaishan wolfberry stewed fish, Huaishan red date stewed hen, etc.

  Chinese medicine says that yam has the effect of removing dampness and dampness, nourishing the kidney and stomach, and strengthening the spleen and intestines. It is one of the best food ingredients in both medicine and food. Modern nutrition studies have found that yam is rich in soluble dietary fiber, mucin, various enzymes, and rich water-soluble vitamins and minerals, which can help intestinal motility and promote the discharge of metabolic waste in the body. The reputation of detoxification, beauty, moisturizing and spleen-enhancing cuisine

  It is easier to use yam for steaming. Just use the stove fire to clean the yam hair, clean it with water and remove the mud, then steam for half an hour. If it is high-quality iron stick yam, it only needs to steam for seven or eight minutes to soften. Chinese yam contains more active alkaloids, and it is easy to induce allergies when it comes into contact with the skin. Then, when cutting yam, you can rub your hands with vinegar, the effect is very obvious.

  Yam, as a potato, is a very good food with high potassium and low sodium. It is also a rare food for patients with diabetes, hypertension and high blood fat. Yam is rich in oligosaccharides, which can have the effect of lowering blood sugar and blood fat. The starch content of yam is generally higher than that of ordinary vegetables, so yam can be used as part of the staple food, not just as a vegetable.

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