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What to do if you drink bloating

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

   Milk generally contains more lactose, and the content of lactose in ordinary milk is 3% to 6%. Lactose is a sugar that is synthesized only in the mammary glands of mammals and is naturally only found in dairy foods. Compared with other sugars, lactose has many advantages, such as low sweetness, suitable for infants and young children; promote the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals; promote the growth of intestinal lactobacillus, inhibit the growth of bacteria, and promote intestinal peristalsis. These advantages are very beneficial to the growth and development of infants and young children, but lactose may cause "trouble" for adults-a considerable number of adults cannot digest and absorb lactose, resulting in abdominal distension, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea after drinking milk , Increased exhaust, and other symptoms, this phenomenon is what we often say "lactose intolerance."

  Why do some people suffer from lactose intolerance? This starts with the lactase in the small intestine. Lactose is only catalyzed by the small intestinal mucosa lactase and hydrolyzed into two simple sugars, galactose and glucose. In order to be absorbed by the small intestine and enter the blood circulation. The intestinal lactase activity in infants and young children is very high, and it can fully absorb and utilize lactose. However, with the increase of age, the level of lactase in the intestine decreases irreversibly. Many adults (and a small number of children) cannot digest and absorb lactose due to lack of lactase. After the undigested lactose enters the large intestine, it not only increases the osmotic pressure in the intestinal cavity, but also promotes the excessive fermentation of large intestinal bacteria. Tolerance symptoms.

   lactose intolerance is widespread worldwide, but Asians, especially Chinese Han people, are more common. According to the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract after drinking milk, you can easily judge whether you belong to lactose intolerance. You can also go to the hospital for a special test-"hydrogen breath test". Many people who are lactose intolerant give up milk consciously, which is wrong. As long as measures are taken properly, lactose intolerant people can still drink milk and its products.

   1. Drink yogurt instead

  Do not drink fresh milk and drink yogurt is the easiest way. After fresh milk is fermented into yoghurt by lactic acid bacteria, most of the lactose is converted into lactic acid, which not only improves the nutritional value, but also significantly reduces or eliminates the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

   2. Choose low lactose milk

   At present, there are many milk products pretreated with lactase in the market. Most of the lactose in this milk (90%) has been broken down, which basically avoids lactose intolerance problems.

  3. Drink milk in small quantities and multiple times

  This method is usually also feasible. The occurrence of lactose intolerance has a great relationship with the dose of lactose ingested. When reducing lactose intake (such as drinking milk in small amounts and multiple times), lactose intolerant people can also relatively "tolerate" milk. You can start drinking from a small amount (such as 50 ml each time, 2 to 3 times a day), let the gastrointestinal tract slowly get used to it, and then gradually increase.

   4. Don’t drink milk on an empty stomach

  This is a problem worth noting. When fasting, milk passes through the gastrointestinal tract for a short time, and the lactose "concentration" is high, it will enter the large intestine faster, which can aggravate the symptoms of lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerant people should drink milk during meals or within 1 hour after a meal, or they can be supplemented with cereals (such as buns, biscuits, bread, etc.) or meat and egg foods at the time of drinking milk to "dilut" the lactose concentration, Reduce the symptoms of intolerance.

  5. Mix and cook milk or milk powder with other foods

  such as making milk omelet, milk porridge, milk roll, milk small nest, milk custard, etc. This method is simple and easy, and does not cause discomfort.

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