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What is good to have a gastrointestinal cold

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  The early autumn season is a period of high incidence of gastrointestinal colds, usually due to viral infections, occasional air conditioning at night, cold diet, unclean food and other infections. Symptoms are mostly diarrhea, low fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, night sweats, body aches, and loss of appetite.

  Because of a viral infection that causes stomach Local reactions, spasms of smooth muscles in the stomach, prompting the food mixture to vomit out; due to the viral reaction, the stress response in the body is actively mobilized, and the body temperature will increase; vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration of the body, and temporary electrolyte disturbances occur. Symptoms of headache and body aches; repeated vomiting and diarrhea can also cause gastrointestinal tract and abdominal muscle spasm, with obvious abdominal pain; severe diarrhea can also cause intestinal mucosal edema, inflammatory reactions, cramps, and bacterial imbalance.

   Then, although these symptoms can basically be judged as a gastrointestinal cold after the occurrence of these symptoms, it is best to go to the hospital to see a doctor to define. In addition to the necessary medical treatment, a reasonable diet is also a necessary condition to help the condition improve as soon as possible.

  These symptoms appear, and after being diagnosed with gastrointestinal cold, the doctor will have corresponding medical treatment. How to cooperate with diet?

   For the electrolyte disturbance caused by dehydration of diarrhea, you can drink two glasses of low sodium salt brewed saline every day, and lower the sodium salt by 1 gram per 100 grams of boiled water. Because diarrhea will cause the loss of inorganic salts such as sodium, magnesium and potassium in the body, the low sodium salt of 20%~30%potassium content can help the body restore electrolyte balance and relieve the symptoms of body aches. Although some fresh fruits also have the effect of supplementing vitamins and inorganic salts, they are cold and multi-sexual. Eat as little or as little as possible during the illness. They can be eaten after the symptoms of diarrhea are relieved, but not too much or too cold.

  In view of the problem of vomiting, diarrhea and antibiotics caused by imbalance of intestinal flora during the illness, you can choose plain yogurt and use the active beneficial bacteria in yogurt to help restore the proportion of normal flora. However, it is forbidden to drink cold yoghurt taken out of the refrigerator directly. It should be left at room temperature for half an hour before drinking.

  Because there is no appetite during the illness, the diet is relatively poor. When the diarrhea relief situation is obtained, some foods with appetizing effects should be selected, especially those with low dietary fiber, high vitamin C, potassium, and high protein, but meat should be minimized or temporarily avoided. The best foods are scrambled eggs with tomatoes (scalding the skin rich in dietary fiber), steamed egg custard with black bean oil, vinegar-cooked potato shreds, vinegared pepper and green bean sprouts, hot and sour soup, small wonton, Yangchun noodles, etc. food. Foods like scrambled eggs with tomatoes, potato shreds in vinegar, green bean sprouts with vinegar and pepper have a good appetizing effect, and their vitamin C Rich in content, it helps stabilize body temperature, recover from inflammation and help repair damaged cells.

  Some patients suffer from inadequate nutrient intake due to the condition of the disease, will be sweating all day or midnight, and in addition to electrolyte disorders and physical weakness, Chinese medicine also talks about kidney yin deficiency. Clinical manifestations of kidney yin deficiency: waist and knee weakness, weakness in both legs, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, dreaming, hot flashes and night sweats, five upset fever, dry throat and zygomatic redness, oliguria in urine, thin tongue and red veins. If it is a short-term symptom, you can choose some more effective prescriptions on the basis of diet adjustment, such as using astragalus, floating wheat, schisandra decoction, and you can see the effect after a period of time. (The prescription is provided by Mr. Hou Yongliang, a Chinese herbalist)

   There are many frail elderly patients. Because diarrhea is difficult to stop, they can assist in some dietary adjustments while taking medication. For example, after frying with white noodles or rice until golden, it is very effective to drink it with boiling water or boiling with water to make porridge. In addition, ume has a strong astringent effect, you can brew it with hot water or drink it with light tea water. Drinking it in moderation every day is also conducive to the recovery of symptoms.

  The practice of fried noodles:

   200 grams of flour (four dosages, usually drink two to three times a day)

  production process :

   1. Scrub the pot and heat it to dry, no oil can be seen.

   2. Pour the flour into the pan, stir fry slowly over medium-low heat until the color of the flour begins to turn yellow and then change to a low heat.

   3. Continue to stir until the flour is light brown and yellow. If the color is too dark, it will taste bitter and affect the consumption.

   4. Rinse 50 grams of fried flour with cold boiling water, boil the water in another pot, pour in the fried stir-fried flour and cook evenly.

  The practice of fried rice porridge:

   400 grams of rice (four dosages, usually drink two to three times a day).

  Production process:

   1. Scrub the pot and heat it to dry, no oil can be seen.

   2. Pour the rice into the pot, stir fry slowly over medium-low heat until the color of the flour begins to turn yellow and then change to a low heat.

   3. Continue to stir until the flour is brownish yellow.

   4. Add 100 grams of fried rice with water (usually the same amount of water as normal boiled rice porridge), after the fire is boiled, change to a low fire and cook slowly until sticky.

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