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How to lose weight in spring

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Spring is the season for everything to grow. The fat accumulated in a winter gradually reveals after taking off the winter clothes. Some beauty-loving girls finally can’t sit back. In order to be able to regain their slim figure before the summer comes, they lose weight. Just put it on the agenda.

  The problem of weight loss is always troubled There are young and beautiful girls, some of them want to be beautiful and fashionable, in order to maintain a slim figure all the time, regardless of hunger, liposuction, poison injection... All kinds of things.

   Take dieting and weight loss as an example. If excessive dieting or improper diet can cause serious consequences, when the disease quietly finds the upper body, beauty has become a deification.

   The result of excessive fat loss may make the body slim, but when the body fat is insufficient, the endocrine is easily disordered, because the secretion of most hormones must involve fat. When the body fat and other nutrients are insufficiently intake, it will look dull, the skin will not shine, and even the hair will start to shed and yellow.

   Decreased distribution of subcutaneous fat will make the fascinating curves of women gradually disappear, and the skin elasticity will deteriorate. Since 7-dehydrocholesterol in subcutaneous fat is the main source of vitamin D synthesis in the body, excessive reduction of fat in the body surface will gradually cause calcium deficiency. When bone density cannot reach a healthy level, the odds of osteoporosis, femoral head fracture or necrosis begin to increase.

  Fat is also the main factor for the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. When the fat intake is insufficient, some fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K will not be well absorbed by others. The consequence of this is decreased vision, calcium deficiency, poor body immunity, and reduced antioxidant capacity.... Seriously, there are digestive system ulcers, frequent inflammation, and constipation.

  Girls who lose weight with hunger therapy will cause internal organs to be sagging due to lack of qi and blood, such as gastric sagging, sagging of liver and kidney and other digestive system organs, physiological cycle disorders and other symptoms. When the abdominal fat is reduced, the body''s buffering capacity during vigorous exercise is reduced or missing, and the sudden impact of external force may even cause serious consequences of visceral injury and bleeding. What is more serious is that when the uterus is not protected by sufficient adipose tissue, collision or chronic malnutrition can cause prolapse and affect normal physiological functions.

  Meat is rich in heme iron, the absorption probability of this iron can generally reach about 20%, and the iron contained in plant foods is non-heme iron, the absorption rate is only 1& #xFF05;--5% If the intake of nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin B12 in the food is insufficient, it will seriously affect the body''s hematopoietic capacity, so those who do not eat meat or eat red meat in order to lose weight Girls are most susceptible to iron deficiency anemia. In anemia, the iron carried in the hemoglobin is insufficient for oxygen, and the heat-generating nutrients in the food cannot be metabolized well, and the body cannot take in enough calories from the food.

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