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What to pay attention to when eating MSG

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  What should I pay attention to when eating MSG? MSG is a condiment commonly used in daily life. If the delicious food is less helpful, it will be overshadowed. MSG is also called Ajinomoto, whether it is fried food It is still soup, with the right amount of MSG, the taste will be more delicious, but when eating MSG, we must pay attention to some details, so as to cook more delicious and nutritious food.

  Food MSG needs to remember:< /p>

   1. Monosodium glutamate is not recommended for sour or sweet-based cold dishes, otherwise it will appear strange astringency.

   2. The best freshness temperature of MSG is 75℃. Don''t put MSG when the temperature of soup or vegetable is too high.

  3. It is best to put MSG when the dish is out of the pan, it is not obvious if it is put too early.

   4. The sodium content in MSG is high. Don’t put too much salt or soy sauce when you put MSG.

   5. Chicken, fish, mushrooms, jellyfish skin, clams and other foods are already very delicious, so you don’t need to add MSG to the snake.

  All imported food needs a moderate amount, no more, no less than a moderate amount! For example, fish is relatively nutritious, but eating too much will also cause excessive protein, increase the burden of liver and kidney, and even risk of gout ; Fruits are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, and eating too much will also affect appetite, and cause obvious inadequate intake of protein, fat and other nutrients, and even affect gastrointestinal health. In short, everything is in moderation, not too far!

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