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Delicious and terrible bacon

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Bacon is a veritable delicacy, but unfortunately it is not suitable for healthy food, and even many bacon or salted fish are foods with high carcinogen content. At the beginning, I also admit that I love to eat, but I just like the flavor of bacon and I can restrain myself. Basically, I only eat three or two times a year, and I take a few sips each time to try to find a feeling. Is it that many people will feel that it is really a loss!

   Bacon will be marinated with a lot of salt during processing. This is the most basic method. Of course, some modern small workshops will also add nitrite, so that the antiseptic effect is better, especially when some small restaurants buy Cheap bacon is not a meat that has been marinated for a long time, but a salted, nitrite, coloring, and bacon flavor mixture, very heavy and wet.

   During the processing and ageing of bacon, high-salt and smoked methods are used for preservative treatment, after which the meat enters the process of slow fat decomposition and oxidation. The aroma of bacon mainly comes from fat, So the older the bacon or ham, the more fragrant. But in this process, meat''s protein, fat, vitamins and other nutrients are gradually lost.

  Under the action of bacteria, the nitrate naturally present in the meat is converted to nitrite, which is natural nitrite, not artificially added, and the flavor of bacon begins to become rich at this time. In fact, trace amounts of nitrite in food are not terrible, and it is precisely because of the presence of nitrite that the food industry became available. But what is worrying is that the decomposition product of nitrite and meat protein-amine, combined into nitrosamines, this is a real carcinogen!

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