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What is the benefit of eating banana millet porridge

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Banana millet porridge, this method is quite novel, and it is also very reliable. Banana is a fruit we are familiar with, suitable for all ages, and its high nutritional value is very good for our health. The big benefit, millet porridge is soft glutinous and nourishing the stomach, so what is the benefit of eating banana millet porridge?

  1. Banana

  Banana is a food with high carbohydrate and dietary fiber content, And potassium is rich. Bananas are soft and sweet, and are the favorite of many people, and some elderly, children, and patients with poor teeth chewing ability prefer bananas. The varieties of bananas have been introduced in the previous articles. Most of them are ordinary yellow bananas, plantains, pocket little emperor bananas, red bananas, and of course, giant bananas that are difficult to see.

  Banana is more suitable for some people with cardiovascular disease, because it is rich in potassium, which can give the heart enough power, for some people with bradycardia, low blood pressure, regular body soreness, and low blood sugar. suitable. However, because the sugar content of bananas is high, more than 20mg per 100 grams, so people with too much stomach acid, gastric ulcer, chronic enteritis, high blood sugar, and high triglycerides should not choose.

  2. Xiaomi porridge

  Lu You once said, "Everyone in the world has been studying for many years, and I don’t know that many years are in front of me. I have to make it easy. Congee to the fairy". It can be seen that whether it is a celebrity or ordinary people, they are happy to drink porridge to maintain their health. Xiaomi is a very sacred food in ancient China, native to China, and it was also a god. The rice in what we call "She Ji" refers to Gushen, which is millet! Millet is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, lutein, B vitamins and minerals, and is the most representative whole grain food.

  Mimi usually cooks porridge alone, at most it is porridge separately from yam, rice, lily, red dates and other ingredients. However, for some people who are very afraid of cold in the stomach or teeth, of course, they can boil porridge with banana and millet porridge. The best way is to boil the millet porridge first, and then put the diced cold banana grains into the hot hot porridge. This will not only reduce the temperature of the porridge, but also allow the cold bananas to be eaten immediately.

  Although there is not much vitamin C in bananas, it is still recommended to heat for a short time, so as to maintain a better taste, but people who often have acid reflux and heartburn and gastritis, this eating method is not recommended.

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