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What are the benefits of walking days for bones and joints

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Walking Day, as the name suggests, encourages people to walk instead of cars, whether it is public transportation, self-driving or subway, on the one hand to ease traffic, on the other hand is in line with low-carbon, but more importantly is to promote health.

   said by a friend, only a month Walking to work once a week, 1/30 of the exercise intensity, I am afraid that the health of the body is not enough. According to the author''s point of view, the exercise intensity of the walking day may not be able to meet the amount of exercise per month, but this mechanism is beneficial for the ordinary people to develop more scientific exercise habits.

First, "Walk Day" reminds people to pay attention to exercise. It is not from when that people began to rely more on various means of transportation, especially in the early morning. It seems that they can wake up completely after taking a nap on the bus to win any day''s work. From the bed to the dining table, from the dining table to the car, from the car to the desk, from the desk to the car... Many people repeat the twisted reincarnation every day, and the long-term cost is self-evident.

  According to the experience of the author’s expert outpatient clinic, a considerable number of white-collar workers do not participate in physical exercise or perform untargeted exercises due to their busy work. The usual performance is that they feel tired and exhausted every day. Many things have lost interest, and even have doubts about their ability to work. Common symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, headache, lack of energy, insomnia, memory loss, irritability and anxiety. For these people, the best prescription is to develop a step-by-step fitness program. Generally speaking, there will be a significant improvement in "treatment" in about half a year. The author recommends that the intensity of the weekly exercise required by office workers is to keep the heart rate at 100 beats per minute, twice a week, at least 30 minutes each time.

  Secondly, "Walk Day" reminds people to pay attention to outdoor fitness. Many trendy young people are keen to get a fitness card and then plunge into the gym. In fact, there are some limitations in indoor fitness. First, indoor fitness, air quality is relatively inferior to outdoor, and air quality is precisely the most important factor when people exercise; second, the landscape in the gym is mostly in line with indoor characteristics, and the plants are mostly short and sparse, while outdoor fitness , Athletes can directly get close to nature, the mood during exercise must be different; third, if you go to the gym during the peak hours of fitness, the people are more crowded, and the social distance and psychological distance between exercisers are relatively close. Exercise in the environment is easy to be distracted. Most sports injuries are due to inattention during exercise. Fourth, if the management in the gym cannot be used for equipment, lockers, or disinfection is not timely, it will cause disease transmission, especially Infectious soft warts (commonly known as genital warts) are more common; in addition, from an environmental point of view, the biggest disadvantage of the gym compared to outdoor fitness is that it takes up a lot of power during operation ——Lighting, TV, SPA pool, drinking fountain, swimming pool heating, computer network, electric equipment...

   So, what are the benefits of walking on bones and joints?

  1. Exercise lower limb muscles. As the saying goes, "people are older than old legs", relatively strong lower limb muscles are essential for maintaining the stability of the hip and knee joints. Walking is irreplaceable for the exercise of muscular strength and coordination of quadriceps, triceps calves and buttocks muscles.

  2. Prevention of osteoporosis. The author can see the so-called "zero exercisers" in the orthopedics clinic. It was not very old, but osteoporosis is very powerful. In fact, the calcium in the bones of the human body reaches its peak at around 35 years of age, and then it has a downward trend. In addition to taking more calcium-rich foods, exercise is very important to prevent osteoporosis. The simplest exercise is walking.

  3. Prevention and treatment of cervical spondylosis. Walking with head lift, chest extension, neck and shoulder muscle activity helps to relieve the fatigue of neck, shoulder and back muscles, ligaments and joints caused by long-term desk, which has obvious effect on the prevention and treatment of cervical spondylosis effect.

  4. Prevention of venous thrombosis of the lower extremities. Lack of lower extremity movement will lead to slower blood flow. If the blood viscosity increases, lower limb venous thrombosis is likely to occur, and severe embolism may also lead to pulmonary embolism, resulting in life-threatening. The process of walking is the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the lower limbs. This is like a fluid pump, which allows blood to flow back from the distal limbs to the heart, and the foot and ankles are fully active. This has a positive significance for preventing venous thrombosis of the lower limbs.

  Walking days have many benefits, but we must also "walk" scientifically.

   1. Choose a suitable walking route. The road with smooth road surface and relatively small traffic should be the first choice, on the one hand, it is not easy to fall, and on the other hand, it will not inhale too much exhaust.

   2. Master a reasonable amount of exercise. Although it is recommended to walk to work, it is not necessary for people who travel too far to work to leave home at 4 or 5 a.m. After all, maintaining adequate physical work is better than maintaining adequate physical walking. The appropriate walking time to work does not exceed 1 hour.

   3. Walking day is not a substitute for exercise. The once-a-month ascetic exercise is just to remind you to exercise. Don’t forget that regular exercise is not once a month, but twice a week...

   4. Choose the right shoes when walking . Heeling feet and relatively soft shoes are very important for your walking. Don''t go to the orthopedist for treatment of foot pain after two days because of the wrong choice of shoes.

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