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What to eat for osteoporosis

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Calcium is one of the most important nutrients in the human body. There are calcium in all parts of the human body, from bones to muscles and blood, from cell membranes to cytoplasm and nucleus. It can be said that the normal existence of calcium can maintain normal life. In orthopedics clinics, many diseases are related to calcium deficiency, such as rickets in young children, growth pain in adolescents, osteoporosis in the elderly, etc. Reasonable calcium supplementation is a very important topic of bone health.

   In daily life, many people are very Pay attention to calcium supplements, and often ignore the intake of magnesium. In fact, calcium and magnesium must be balanced to ensure that both minerals can be used properly. Generally speaking, the ratio of calcium to magnesium should be 2:1. In other words, if you consume 800 mg of calcium per day, you should also consume 400 mg of magnesium.

   Insufficient magnesium intake will cause chronic magnesium deficiency, leading to muscle twitching, cramps, dizziness, etc. Magnesium and calcium complement each other, effectively prevent and improve osteoporosis, strengthen bones and teeth. In modern society, people are eating more and more finely, eating more meat and less vegetables, which are important reasons for magnesium deficiency. To supplement magnesium, laver should be used more. Laver has the highest magnesium content and is described as a "treasury of magnesium".

   Other foods that are ingested include: cereals such as millet, corn, soba, sorghum noodles, oats, macaroni, baked potatoes; legumes such as soybeans, black beans, broad beans, peas, cowpea, tofu; vegetables Such as winter vegetables, amaranth, peppers, mushrooms; fruits such as carambola, longan, walnut kernel; others such as shrimp, peanuts, sesame, seafood, etc. In addition, drinking plenty of water can play a role in promoting magnesium absorption.

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