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Talk about science drinking

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  If you want a "water boat can also be overturned" you must drink scientifically, you should pay attention to the following matters:

  (1) Drinking volume must be controlled

   Drinking alcohol must be small and moderate, not every drink, every drink must be drunk. In party occasions, don''t force the persuasion, let alone drinking. The amount of drinking should be controlled by each person, and the amount should be limited. It is generally believed that half a bottle of beer should not be more than one bottle per drink; 100 grams of wine and Shaoxing rice wine should not exceed 200 grams; and 25 grams of white wine should not exceed 50 grams.

  (2) Drinking on an empty stomach is a big taboo

  It is often said that drinking 50 grams of white wine on an empty stomach at one time will cause people to appear "alcoholic" and easy to get drunk because of fasting alcohol (Ethanol) is quickly absorbed, and the ethanol concentration in the blood soon reaches the level of drunkenness. Drinking on an empty stomach, even if the amount of alcohol is not large, is very harmful to the body. Because the stomach is empty, there is no food in the stomach. Alcohol will directly stimulate the stomach wall and cause gastritis. In severe cases, it can cause vomiting blood. Over time, it can cause ulcer disease and directly damage the liver. Therefore, it is important to eat something before drinking alcohol, especially carbohydrate foods. It can effectively reduce stomach irritation and harm liver protection and detoxification, and then slowly eat and drink to prevent Overdose also avoids acute and chronic alcoholism.

   (3) Drink less or no strong liquor, try to drink alcohol with lower alcohol content.

   Such as wine, Shaoxing rice wine and beer, the alcohol content of 50-60 degrees is low, and the alcohol (ethanol) content of liquor is 4 times that of wine or Shaoxing rice wine. The local irritation is still strong, and it is easy to damage the mucous membrane, while drinking wine, Shaoxing rice wine and beer, you can also get some iron and vitamins.

   (4) Minor children cannot drink alcohol

  Child drinking is often related to parents. When parents drink alcohol, they are petting and playing, and give the children a taste. In this way, the child develops the habit of drinking alcohol. Juvenile alcoholism seriously affects physical and mental health and is not conducive to the normal development of intelligence and physical strength. The poor self-control of adults can also cause economic and social problems.

  (5) Women should not drink alcohol frequently

  The damage to their children’s health is more serious than that of men. Due to the influence of estrogen, women’s ability to metabolize ethanol is lower and slower. Therefore, ethanol is more likely to accumulate in the body and cause damage.

  (6) Avoid drinking wine instead of rice

   Drink a small amount of wine in an appropriate amount, which can promote blood circulation and help eliminate fatigue. But some people often substitute wine for rice, which is very harmful to human health. According to analysis, 50 grams of liquor contains about 627.6 kilojoules (150 kilocalories) of calories; 250 grams of beer contains about 418.4 kilojoules (100 kilocalories) of calories. Therefore, occasionally only drinking and not eating, the harm to the human body is not great, especially when drinking a lot of dishes, you can intake more calories and nutrients. But if the wine is replaced by wine for a long time, it will damage human health. The first is frequent drinking, which can cause alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, arteriosclerosis, and induce diseases such as esophageal cancer and gastric cancer. Secondly, although drinking alcohol can supplement some calories, many nutrients required by the human body, such as various vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc., cannot be provided by all kinds of alcohol. Therefore, do not replace wine with rice for a long time, otherwise, the body will not get the nutrients required to maintain the growth and physiological functions of various tissues and organs, thereby harming human health.

  (7) , Avoid drinking carbonated drinks, so as not to accelerate the absorption of ethanol.

  (8) Drink alcohol and avoid drinking strong tea

  (9) Do not drink alcohol after taking medicine

  Wine can accelerate the absorption of drugs and change the drugs To the purpose of treatment. So do not drink alcohol before and after taking medicine. Doctors stipulate that some medicines need to be taken with alcohol, that is an exception.

   (10) Consult a doctor for drinking medicinal liquor.

   There are many types of medicinal liquors on the market, and they must be selected according to personal constitution and health condition and in accordance with doctor''s advice. However, the amount should not be too large, and you can''t drink like ordinary wine. It is best to drink alcohol before meals to make it effective.

  (11) Do not drink alcohol before spraying pesticides

  Various pesticides have certain toxicity to human body. After drinking, the blood vessels dilate and the blood flow accelerates. The skin indicates that the permeability of the blood vessels is increased. The pesticide is more likely to enter the blood through the skin blood vessels, causing poisoning. Workers who come into contact with other toxic substances should not drink alcohol before or after work, otherwise they will easily absorb more harmful substances.

  (12) Don’t drink to keep warm

  Many people think that “wine can protect against cold”. This is actually a kind of misunderstanding. After drinking alcohol, due to the stimulation of the alcohol component, the skin temperature will rise, making people feel warm. But this warmth cannot be sustained. Because the more the blood vessels on the body surface are relaxed and relaxed, the faster the body heat is radiated, and the body temperature drops sharply, and the person has a strong cold feeling. Drinking alcohol is more likely to cause chills than not drinking, causing a cold or a cold. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use wine to keep warm.

  (13) Avoid drinking with punches

  Drinking with punches is drinking, eating, loud noises and even laughing, which may cause food to enter the trachea or nasal cavity, and Cause choking, sneezing or tearing. Drinking and punching losers are fined for drinking. Those who drink too much are dizzy and unconscious. They are more likely to lose alcohol, resulting in excessive drinking and various drunkenness. The toxic effects of harmful ingredients in alcohol can harm your health. Therefore, avoid punching and drinking.

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