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Be careful not to eat eggs

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

   There is a lot of science about eating eggs (represented by eggs), but I found that people around me still have some misunderstandings about eating eggs. To this end, I have summarized the "ten do not" to eat eggs, to help everyone clearly understand eating eggs in vain.  


   1. Do not discard the egg yolk.

   Egg yolk is rich in high-quality protein, monounsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin B1, calcium, zinc and other nutrients. Its overall nutritional value far exceeds egg white and is the essence of egg nutrition. Egg yolk contains more cholesterol, and the cholesterol content of an egg yolk is more than 280 mg. However, it is not a cause for concern. Both the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2016 and the Dietary Guidelines for American Residents 2015 abolish the previous dietary cholesterol limit (300 mg/day), and believe that there is no evidence that dietary cholesterol may cause high blood cholesterol or heart disease. .

   2. Don’t eat too many eggs.

  Although the general population eating one or more eggs a day will not cause an increased risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. But like any other food, don''t eat too many eggs, although they are good. In the case where other foods (milk, meat, fish and shrimp) are normally ingested, the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2016" recommends no more than 7 per week. If the intake of milk, meat and fish and shrimp is not enough, you can eat more eggs instead.

   3. Do not eat raw eggs or drink raw egg whites.

   Raw eggs are not easy to digest. They also contain substances that are not conducive to digestion and absorption of protein and biotin (a vitamin). They are also unhygienic and prone to bacterial contamination.

   4. Don''t cook or fry over fire.

  Eggs are generally boiled for 5~6 minutes after boiling in a small fire. Excessive cooking time will cause excessive protein coagulation and affect digestion and absorption. When fried eggs, the fire should not be too large, the time should not be too long, otherwise the eggs will become hard, the taste will be bad, and it will affect the digestion and absorption.

   5. Do not store eggs at room temperature.

  The eggs are stored at room temperature (20℃~30℃) for one day, which is equivalent to one week in the refrigerator, so the eggs should be refrigerated. Buy eggs depends on the label, the best quality within a week.

   6. Do not use eggs to make up for iron.

   Egg yolk is rich in iron, but it is difficult to absorb, because a substance called "yolk hyperphosphorus protein" in egg yolk inhibits iron absorption, and the absorption rate of iron in egg yolk is only 3%. Therefore, egg yolk is not the first choice for infants to add supplementary food.

   7. Don’t care if the egg is red or white.

   Egg skin color is a kind of "porphyrin (bǔlín)" substance, which is related to the breed of chicken (genetics) and has nothing to do with nutritional value. Test data shows that red-skinned eggs and white-skinned eggs have their own advantages in terms of nutrients, regardless of their uncle.

   8. Don’t be superstitious about “soil eggs”.

   Native chicken refers to free-range chickens that do not have special feed and mainly feed on insects, vegetables and wild grass. Many people think that "earth eggs" should be better than eggs in chicken farms, but the test data does not support this view. Native eggs contain slightly more protein, calcium, zinc, copper, and manganese, while fat, vitamin A, vitamin B2, niacin, and selenium are slightly less, and other nutrients are not much different.

   9. Don’t believe the rumors that eggs and soy milk are compatible.

  Soybeans do contain substances that are not conducive to protein digestion and absorption, but after the soybean milk is fully boiled, this substance is destroyed and will no longer inhibit protein digestion and absorption. If this substance is not destroyed, it will not specifically target eggs, but affect all food proteins, including the protein contained in soy milk itself.

   10. Don’t ignore children’s egg allergies.

  A study on food for children aged 3 to 12 years in China showed that 8.4% of children have food allergies, of which the number of egg allergies is the largest, accounting for more than half of all allergic people. Other common allergenic foods include milk and seafood. People with egg allergies should pay attention to the food label, and sometimes it will remind you to contain eggs or other allergenic foods.

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