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"Three high" crowd should stay away from "three high" food

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  People usually refer to chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia as "three highs", and the occurrence and development of these chronic diseases are related to diet, especially the oil, salt, sugar, wine, etc. in the diet. , Can contain more of these ingredients, easily lead to excess energy or excessive sodium food called "three high" food. People with "three highs" should try not to eat "three highs", and healthy people should eat less to prevent chronic diseases.

   1. High-sugar drinks

  Sweet drinks such as carbonated drinks, milk drinks, fruit drinks, tea drinks, vegetable protein drinks, sports drinks, etc. are almost all added with about 12% of white sugar or Syrup, supplemented by a variety of tasty and beautiful additives, is a typical junk food. It is similar to cheap cold drinks such as ice cream, ice cream cones and ice cream. Not only do they directly damage teeth and cause obesity, they also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is worth noting that nowadays commercially available "yoghurt" (mostly "flavored yogurt" instead of pure yogurt) also adds a lot of sugar (about 8%); many freshly squeezed juices also add a lot of sugar.

   2. High-oil staple food

   Youtiao, instant noodles, shortbread, scallion pancake, fried cake and other staple foods add a lot of fat (accounting for 1/5-1/3 of the weight of the food) ), most of them also add table salt (sodium chloride) or other sodium-containing compounds, which have an adverse effect on body weight, blood lipids, blood sugar, blood pressure and so on. It should be emphasized that the purchase of such foods is particularly undesirable because they use low-quality fats and oils and are the hardest hit areas for the production and sale of drain oil.

  3. Fried food or dishes

  Fried chicken wings, fried meatballs, French fries, fried fish, fried tenderloin and other typical fried foods, as well as boiled fish, ground three Fresh and burnt eggplant and other over-oil dishes contain a lot of fat (fat), and high temperature destroys the original nutrition and produces new harmful substances. While manufacturing "delicious", it is also promoting the "three highs".

   4. High-oil, high-sugar, high-trans fatty acid snacks

   pastries, biscuits, egg yolk pie, crisp bread, cream bread, milk tea, puffed snacks and other increasingly popular Convenient and delicious, most of them are combined with "three highs", namely high oil, high sugar, high sodium, and some also contain trans fatty acids, mainly from vegetable cream (margarine), shortening, hydrogenated oil used in the ingredients , Refined vegetable oil, etc. Trans fatty acids are harmful to the cardiovascular system.

  5. High-salt (or high-sodium) food

  According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, high-salt diet is the third leading cause of Chinese death (the first two are Hypertension and smoking), high-salt/sodium foods are almost everywhere. Most of the above four types of food are high-salt (or high-sodium) at the same time, other snacks such as ham sausage, grilled fish fillets, dried beef, dried fruit, salted and dried peanuts, and almost all marinated foods such as pickles, mustard, sauerkraut, kimchi , Salted fish, sea rice, shrimp skin, etc. are high in salt (or high sodium). Soy sauce, sauce, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, soda and other condiments added to the dishes also provide a lot of sodium.

   When consumers go to the supermarket to buy packaged foods, they must pay attention to the “sodium” content in the nutrition table on the label. Any sodium "nutrient reference value %" (in the last column of the nutrient composition table) exceeding the energy "nutrient reference value %" (in the last column of the first row of the nutrient composition table value) can be regarded as high sodium (or high salt) food.

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