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Holiday table-fish scales

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   Spring Festival is coming soon, don’t forget to add a nutritious and delicious fish scale dish to the festive table. First introduce the nutritional value of fish scales, and then teach the easy way to fish scales.

  Fish is delicious and nutritious, which is very popular. But some people discard the fish scales as waste, which is a pity. So what are the nutritional and health benefits of fish scales? Like fish meat, fish scales are rich in protein, fat and inorganic salts. Fish scales contain more lecithin. Lecithin contains more choline, which can enhance memory and control the degradation of brain cells, and has a certain anti-aging effect. Some people with reduced memory have low levels of choline in the blood, which affects the memory function of brain cells and can appropriately increase the intake of lecithin. In addition, there are many kinds of unsaturated fatty acids in fish scales, which can help transfer and emulsify fat in the form of protein in the blood, reduce the accumulation of cholesterol on the blood vessel wall, and prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension and heart disease. Especially gratifying is that the fish scale contains anti-cancer substances. Therefore, there has been a rise in "fish scale diet therapy fever" abroad, where fish scales are made into soup or frozen for consumption.

   The specific method is: first wash the larger fish, rinse off the fish scales and rinse with clean water (to remove impurities) (or wash the remaining fish scales together), and cook in the pot until The soup is paste-like (the amount of water required is 3-5 times that of fish scales, if the pressure cooker is 3 times), remove the scale residue, add ginger, wine and other condiments, and then cook through condensation to serve.

   It should also be noted that peanuts can be added to the production (removing the red coat is beneficial to prevent the increase of blood viscosity), soybeans, kidney beans, etc. to cook together.

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